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Show 96 ME. E. Y. WATSON ON THE HESPEEIIDJE. [^11. * ' upperside of fore wing, situated immediately below the origin of 2, but not touching either vein 2 or vein 1. This streak is wanting in the other species of the genus. I' maro, Fabr 1. rhadama, Boisd 3. \ camertes, Moore. inornatus, Triin 4. (. ? dioscoridcs, Fabr. pardalina, Butl 5. * cariate, H e w 2. To this genus would also appear to belong mirsa, Mab., bernieri, Boisd., and <%?«/•, Mab. There seems little doubt that the species described by Fabricius from Tranquebar as dioscorides is the female of maro ; the latter name, however, being so well known has not been supplanted, as without examination of the type it is impossible to be quite certain that the two species are identical. This genus appears to be confined to the Asiatic and African regions. 3. Genus KEDESTES, nov. Type, lepenula, Wallgr. Thymelicus, Trimen (nee Hiibn), S. x\fric. Butt. vol. iii. p. 299 (1889). Antennse rather short; club straight, tip blunt. Palpi porrect, third joint very slender. Fore wing : apex rather pointed, costa straight, outer margin longer than inner margin ; cell less than two-thirds the length of costa; vein 12 reaching costa before the end of cell; discocellulars inwardly oblique, the middle the longer ; vein 5 nearer to 4 than to 6 ; vein 3 well before the end of cell, about twice as far from 2 as from 4 ; vein 2 almost equidistant from end of cell and base of wing. Hind wing: outer margin even ; vein 7 well before the end of cell; discocellulars outwardly oblique ; vein 5 barely traceable; vein 3 immediately before the end of cell; vein 2 nearer to end of cell than to base of wing, Hind tibiae with two pairs of spurs. No sexual characters on wings except in capeuas, in which there is a short discal stigma on fore wing of male, running from origin of vein 2 to about the centre of vein 1 ; vein 2 also arises slightly nearer to end of cell in the male of this species ; in the female the neuration is as in the other species of the genus. f lepenula, Wallgr 1. chaca, Trim 4. X *chersias, Hew. macomo, Trim 2. f *capenas, Hew 3. L *derbicc, Hew. tucusa, Trim 5. mohozutza, Wall 6. callicles, Hew 7. This genus is confined to the African region. 4. Genus APAUSTUS. (Plate III. fig. 26.) Apaustus, Hiibn. Verz. p. 113 (1816). Type, menes, Cramer. Antennae : club moderate, straight, tip blunt. Palpi : third joint long, slender, naked, erect, reaching considerably higher thau the vertex of the head. Fore wing elongate, inner margin considerably longer than outer margin; cell short, hardly more than half the length of |