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Show 368 MR. W. WARREN ON NEW GENERA AND [Apr. 18, Expanse of wings 42 millim. Hab. Sikkim. [Bare along the Nepal frontier at 11,000-13,000 feet, where it flies in July.-H. J. E.] GLAUCOPTERYX PUNCTATISSIMA, sp. n. 6*. Fore wings dark ashy grey, with a slight ochreous tinge in places, with darker, almost blackish markings and suffusions; central fascia dark grey, its edges denoted by pale dots on the veins ; a curved basal fascia and another indefinite beyond it; subterminal line a series of white spots, edged diffusely with blackish, and preceded by a darker shade ; fringes grey, preceded at base by a broad black line, which is interrupted at end of each vein by a narrow white streak, and between the veins by a white squarish spot. In a second specimen the ground-colour is much paler, and the markings and suffusion blacker; the veins themselves black, picked out with white dots where the paler lines cross them, which also expand into pale grey blotches along the costa; discal spot black, distinct; hind wings dull grey, with dark discal spot, and dark line at base of fringes. Underside of both wings dull grey, with the markings indistinct; fringes pale, with distinct dark mottlings. Expanse of wings 34 millim. Hab. Sikkim. [Commoner than the last in the same localities from 10,000- 12,000 feet.-if. J. E.'] GLAUCOPTERYX VIRIDIS, sp. n. 3 . Fore wings dull green, crossed by darker green and fuscous wavy lines; basal patch with 3 curved dark fuscous lines and darker green lines between them; central fascia with its edges marked by darker bands of mingled green and fuscous ; the centre, containing a small cell-spot, alone remaining paler; the fascia is followed by a series of pale dots on each vein; submarginal fine regularly undulated, paler green, almost whitish ; space between it and central fascia dull green, slightly tinged with pinkish, and with the veins marked with longitudinal black dots ; on the costa are the commencements of 2 or 3 undulating dark lines; fringes dark green, preceded by a series of small double black dots. Hind wings dull fuscous, with faint traces of an undulating pale line before the margin. Head, thorax, and abdomen greenish. Underside greyish white, in fore wings much suffused with grey, with all the markings shown ; hind wings with a central as well as sub-marginal dark band. Expanse of wings 40 millim. Hab. Sikkim. [A single specimen only sent by Moller and taken in March, probably on the Nepal frontier.-H. J. E.~] |