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Show 1893.] SPECIES O F M O T H S F R O M INDIA. 371 darker bases. Hind wings cinereous ochreous, with 2 wavy paler fascia? towards the hind margin, and the costal region pale. Head, thorax, and abdomen dark fuscous. Underside glossy, ochreous tinged with cinereous ; basal § of fore wings darker; hind wings with large black cell-spot, and 3 sinuous fasciae. Expanse of wings 46 millim. Hah. Sikkim. PARALOPHIA, gen. nov. Fore wings with costa slightly convex at base and before apex ; scarcely visibly concave in middle, apex blunt; hind margin obliquely curved; hind wings rounded. Antenna? of 3 subserrate, shortly ciliated; of $ simple; palpi quite short, pointed, hardly reaching beyond face; tongue developed; neuration normal; abdomen of 3 lengthened, with a strong apical tuft, and 3 curved large lateral tufts on each side of the 3 preceding segments. Type, Paralophia pustulata, sp. n. PARALOPHIA PUSTULATA, sp. n. (Plate XXX. fig. 7.) o* 2 • Fore wings greyish fuscous; basal region and central fascia darker; basal patch edged with a pale line, which is denticulate on the subcostal and median veins ; inner edge of central fascia also edged with paler, forming 3 acute teeth on the subcostal, in the middle of the cell, and on the submedian; space between basal patch and central fascia filled up with fuscous and ochreous ; outer edge of central fascia forming 4 irregular lobes in its costal third, 3 broader prominent ones in the middle third, and 3 smaller blunter ones in the lower third; it is followed by a paler band, whitish ochreous towards the costa, which is itself traversed by 3 fine fuscous lines, which follow the windings of the edge of the fascia; this pale band and its lines is interrupted between the upper and middle third of the central fascia by a white blotch (less conspicuous in the $ ) ; subterminal line consisting of a series of whitish or ochreous spots edged on either side with black, preceded on the costa by 2 or 3 dark fuscous blotches, and interrupted belowr the costa by an oblique fuscous pale-edged streak from the apex; the veins beyond the central fascia to the hind margin yellowish ; fringes fuscous, mottled with paler. Hind wings glossy grey, with a darker line at base of fringes. Underside- fore wing dull dark cinereous from base to outer edge of central fascia; beyond as on the upperside, but duller. Hind wings with all the markings of the fore wings reproduced distinctly, especially the central dark line. Head, thorax, and abdomen fuscous. Expanse of wings, $ 28 millim., 3 32 millim. Hab. Sikkim. [Taken by myself at Darjiling and Tonglo, where it seems uncommon. I have other specimens from Moller and Knyvett which vary somewhat in the outer band.-H. J. E.~] |