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Show 566 REV. H. S. G O R H A M ON [June 20, 5. A List of the Coleoptera, of the Family Cleridee, collected by Mr. Doherty in Burmah and Northern India, with Descriptions of new Species ; and of some Species from Borneo, Perak, &c., from the Collection of Alexander Fry, Esq. By Rev. H. S. G O R H A M , F.E.S., F.Z.S., &c. [Beceived June 17, 1893.] The present paper is to some extent a sequel to one published by me in the ' Annals ' of the Genoa Museum in 1892, on the Cleridos collected by Signor L. Fea. The great number of new species met with by Mr. Doherty in the same genera shows how rich the north-east frontier district must be in the beautiful and interesting family here treated of. For general remarks on the genera I must refer to the account of Mr. Fea's collection, the subject matter being so very similar. Twenty-eight species are now described as new. CALLIMERUS DULCIS. Clerus dulcis, Westw. P. Z. S. 1852, p. 40, t. 24. f. 6. Callimerus dulcis, Gorh. Cist. Ent. 1876, p. 64 ; Ann. Mus. Gen. ser. 2, xii. p. 722. Burmah, Momeit. CALLIMERUS AMABILIS. Callimerus amabilis. Gorh. Cist. Ent. 1876, p. 66; Ann. Mus. Gen. 2, xii. p. 723. Assam, Naga Hills. CALLIMERUS MIRANDUS. Callimerus mirandus, Gorh. Cist. Ent. 1876, p. 65. Perak. A very beautiful species. Five specimens. CALLIMERUS SUA VIS. Callimerus suavis, Gorh. Ann. Mus. Gen. 2, xii. p. 722. N. India, Manipur. CALLIMERUS ELEGANS. Callimerus elegans, Gorh. Ann. Mus. Gen. 2, xii. p. 720. Assam, Naga Hills. One specimen, in bad condition. CALLIMERUS GRACILIS. Callimerus gracilis, Gorh. Mus. Gen. 2, xii. p. 724. Burmah, Momeit. Two examples. |