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Show 1893.] SPECIES OF LEPIDOPTERA HETEROCERA. 299 palest near the base of both wings ; a brown spot in the cell; both wings crossed beyond the middle from the costal to the inner margin by a dark brown line, edged on the inner side with a narrow fawn-coloured line, and with several indistinct waved brown lines; the outer portion of both wings thickly irrorated with black scales, the fringes pale brown. Underside very similar to the upperside, but without the straight lines crossing the wings, and with a white spot at the apex of the primaries. Head, antennae, front of the thorax, and collar black ; a tuft of hair at the base of the antennae yellow; thorax and tegulae greyish fawn-colour; abdomen yellowish fawn-colour. Legs, the coxae and femora yellowish fawn-colour; the tibia and tarsus black. Expanse 4 | inches. Hab. Mexico, Jalapa (M. Trujillo). I have placed this insect in the genus Tagora with considerable doubt, and probably when the male is known it will require a new genus. Fam. LIMACODID^E. SCOPELODES, Westw. SCOPELODES WHITELYI, sp. n. Primaries silky fawn-colour, the outer half of the wing the palest, the costal margin brownish at the base. Secondaries pinkish fawn-colour, the fringes of both wings yellowish brown, the underside of both wings yellowish fawn-colour. Antennae, palpi, and front of head dark brown ; head, thorax, and base of the abdomen yellowish fawn-colour; the abdomen and legs fawn-colour. Expanse 2f inches. Hab. British Guiana, Essequibo Eiver (Whitelg, Mus. B.). Allied to S. sericea, Butler, from N . India. Fam. ZERENID^E. NIPTERIA, Guen. NlPTERIA CHTHONIA, Sp. n. Male. Primaries and secondaries uniform smoky brown. Secondaries slightly paler at the base. Underside : primaries pale brown, the costal margin banded with dark brown, a dark brown streak at the end of the cell, beyond which a cream-coloured line crosses the wing from the costal to tbe inner margin ; a submarginal waved cream-coloured line extends from the apex to the anal angle. Secondaries pale brown; the costal margin, a wide streak from the base along the inner margin, and a large spot near the anal angle dark brown; a waved creamy-white line crosses the wing beyond the middle from the costal to the inner margin; the fringes of both wings pale brown. The head, antennae, tegulae, thorax, abdomen, and legs dark brown. Expanse 1| inch. |