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Show 1893.J BEETLES OF THE FAMILY CLEEIDJE. 567 CALLIMERUS LATESIGNATUS. Callimerus latesignatus, Gorh. Ann. Mus. Gen. 2, xii. p. 728. Assam, Naga Hills. Two examples. CALLIMERUS RUSTICUS. Callimerus rusticus, Gorh. Notes from Leyden Mus. v. p. 252 (1883). Borneo, Labuan ; Perak. Five examples. CALLIMERUS LATIFRONS. Callimerus latifrons, Gorh. Cist. Ent. 1876, p. 67- Borneo, Pengaron ; Perak. One example from each locality. CALLIMERUS INSOLATDS. Lemidia insolata, Pascoe, Journ. of Ent. i. p. 48. Callimerus insolatus, Gorh. Cist. Ent. 1876, p. 67- Assam, Patkai Mountains, Perak. TlLLUS BIRMANICUS. Tillus birmanicus, Gorh. Ann. Mus. Gen. 2, xii. p- 729. Assam, Sudiya. TILLUS NOTATUS. Tillus notatus, Klug, Mon. Abhand. Bed. Acad. 1842, p. 276. Burmah, Ruby Mines ; Assam, Sudiya. Var. Prothorace elytrisque nigris, his fasciis du&lnis albidis. Burmah, Karen Mountains. CLADISCUS SANGUINICOLLIS. Tillus sanguinicollis, Spinola, Mon. Clerites, i. p. 125, tab. f. 7 ; nee Cladiscus sanguinicollis, Lac. Gen. des. Col. tab. 45. Assam, Patkai Mountains {Boherty); Andaman Islands (Roep-storff); Burmah, Karen Mountains (Fed). This is the insect referred to by me as C. strangulatus, Chevr. (Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. 2, xii. p. 730); considerable confusion has occurred from M. Chevrolat having quoted T. sanguinicollis as synonym of his G. strangulatus, Lacordaire having figured what is presumably that species under the name of Cladiscus sanguinicollis. They are obviously quite distinct from the species figured by Spinola. Although it is but a mutilated specimen that Spinola had seen, enough is shown to prove that his insect had simply serrate antennae. TlLLICERA JAVANICA. Tillicera javanica, Spin. Mon. i. p. 160, 1.12. f. 2 ; Gorh. Ann. Mus. Gen. 2, xii. p. 731. Burmah, Ruby Mines ; Assam, Sudiya; India, Manipv.r. |