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Show 350 MR, W. WARREN ON NEW GENERA AND [Apr. 18, [I have four specimens of this distinct species taken by collectors on the Nepal frontier at 7000-8000 feet.-if. J. E.] PERISSOLOPHIA, gen. nov. Akin to Terpna, H.-S., in having the abdominal segments armed with erect tufts of hair, and with one dense and extraordinarily long one behind the thorax; differing from all allied genera in the shape of the wings ; fore wings longer in proportion, not so triangular, with the hind margin curved and denticulated; hind wings not prolonged in the direction of the body, with rounded and denticulate hind margin; densely clothed with long hairs towards the base. Antennae strongly pectinated nearly to the tip, the pectinations being longer than in Terpna; palpi with 2nd joint hairy beneath; 3rd joint, bluntly rounded, porrected in front; abdomen beneath and all femora hairy. Type, P. subrosea, sp. n. PERISSOLOPHIA SUBROSEA, sp. n. 3 • Fore wings dull olive-green, suffused with pink and speckled with purplish atoms ; lines indistinct, purplish ; 1st oblique, irregularly angular; 2nd running obliquely outwards towards the centre of the hind margin, then irregularly dentate, parallel to it; submarginal line faintly indicated by three white arrow-heads below the costa ; an oblique blackish dash at the end of the cell. Hind wing towards the base pinkish ochreous ; costal half wholly pink; hind margin greenish, both flecked with purple. Head and thorax dull olive-green, like the fore wing ; abdomen more ochreous, like the hind wing. Underside shining ochreous, strongly suffused with pinkish, especially along the costa; abdomen beneath and femora of all the legs beset with thick ochreous hairs. Expanse of wings 46 millim. [Several specimens of this very distinct species were taken by native collectors in May and June in the interior of Sikkim.- H. J. E.] ACTENOCHROMA, gen. nov. Distinguished from Hypochroma, Guen., by the simple antennas of the 3. Type, A. muscicoloraria, Wlk. (Hypochroma). ACTENOCHROMA FARINOSA, sp. n. 3 . Besembles A. viridaria, Moore, but a little larger and longer-winged ; dull cinereous green, varied with whitish and pale grey; all the markings much as in viridaria, but without the pink spots so conspicuous in that species. Underside with only a very faint indication of a darker submarginal band, but with a distinct, large blackish central spot on each wing. [A single 3 specimen taken in Lahoul, North-west Himalayas, at 12,300 feet, on Sept. 9, by Capt. Grahame Young. It seems a distinct species.-H.J. E.~] |