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Show 50 ME. E. Y. WATSON ON THE HESPEEHDiE. [Jan. 17, arca,mtz 27. I •""****.Moore 29. dhanada, Moore 28. | molccezi, Wllgr *>. This is a cosmopolitan genus, species belonging to it occurring in Asia, Africa, and South America. 10. Genus ODINA. Odina, Mabille, C. R. Ent. Soc. Belg. ^^eleena, Mab. Antennse moderate, with a slender recurved crook. Palpi: third joint stout, porrect, rather conspicuous. Fore wing: inner margin longer than outer margin ; cell less than two-thirds the length of costa; vein 5 nearer to 6 than to 4 ; vein 3 close to the end of cell; vein 2 from close to base of wing. Hind wing : outer margin even ; vein 7 well before end of cell, only slightly nearer to 6 than to 8; vein 3 immediately before the end of cell; vein 2 nearer to base of wing than to end of cell. Hind tibise with two pairs of spurs. I\o secondary sexual characters on wings. f hieroglyphica, Butl. \ chrysomelcena, Mab. ^decoratus, Hew. Confined to the Indian and Malay regions. The type of this genus is one of the many well-known species recently redescribed by M . Mabille. 11. Genus PARAMIMUS. Paramimus, Hiibn. Verz. p. 115 (1816). Type, scurra, Hiibn. Antennse: club slight, evenly curved. Palpi porrect, widely separated; third joint short, obtusely conical. Fore wing very elongated ; inner margin very much longer than outer margin ; cell of fore wing less than two-thirds the length of costa ; vein 12 reaching costa almost opposite the end of cell ; discocellulars erect, the lower the longer ; vein 3 shortly before the end of cell, more than twice as far from 2 as from 4 ; vein 2 twice as far from end of cell as from base of wing. Hind wing : outer margin evenly rounded ; vein 7 shortly before end of cell; discocellulars and vein 5 barely traceable ; vein 3 shortly before end of cell; vein 2 only slightly nearer to end of cell than to base of wing. Hind tibise with two pairs of spurs, the upper pair minute. No costal fold in male, but a tuft of hairs attached to the proximal end of hind tibiae. scurra, Hiibn 1. stigma, Feld 4. hemes, Cram 2. Hucaria, Hew 3. And two unidentified species. Confined to tropical America *cmpolmus, Westw. |