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Show 282 MR. H. DRUCE ON N E W [Mar. 28, AGYRTA PANDEMIA, sp. n. Male. Primaries black, the veins shot with bright blue near the base; a wide white band partly crosses the wing beyond the middle, from the costal margin to near the apex, but not reaching it. Secondaries hyaline; the costal margin, apex, and outer margin black shot with blue, the inner margin deep blue. The underside very similar to the upperside, but paler in colour. The head, antennae, palpi, and thorax black; abdomen blue-black, the underside greyish white. Expanse 1^ inch. Hab. Lower Amazons, Para (Mus. B.). AGYKTA PHYLLA, sp. n. (Plate XIX. fig. 1.) Male. Primaries and secondaries hyaline; the veins black. Primaries crossed beyond the middle from the costal margin to the outer margin, above the anal angle, by a wide black band; the costal margin, apex, outer and inner margins bordered with black, shot with dark blue. Secondaries bordered with black on the costal margin, apex, and outer margin ; the fringes of both wings black. Underside very similar to the upperside, with the costal margin of both wings edged with white. Antennae black; palpi black, white on the underside ; front of the head white, the underside of the head bright red ; thorax and tegulae black; abdomen dark blue, with a narrow white line extending from the base to the anus; underside of the abdomen and tbe legs white. Expanse If inch. Hab. Ecuador, Santa Lucia ( Wolf, Mus. B.). Allied to A. micilia, Cram., but very distinct. ICHORIA, Butl. ICHORIA CHALCOMEDUSA, sp. n. Primaries deep black, slightly shot with green at the base. Secondaries hyaline; the apex and outer margin edged with black, the fringes of both wings black. Palpi, thorax, and legs black. The head and a large spot at the base of the thorax bright metallic blue. The abdomen greenish black. Antennae black, tipped with white. Expanse lT 4 ff inch. Hab. S. Brazil, Porto Eeal (Mus. B.). Allied to Ichoria tricincta, H.-S., but very distinct. ARGYROEIDES, Butl. A R G Y R O E I D E S (?) O R T O N A , sp. n. Primaries and secondaries whitish hyaline; the veins brownish black, excepting at the base of the primaries, where they are pale yellow. Primaries : the apex, outer and inner margins, bordered with brownish black, widest at the apex. Secondaries with only the marginal line black; the fringes of both wings black, the |