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Show 1893.] MONKEYS OF THE GENUS CERCOPITHECUS. 247 v. p. 49 (1855); Gray, P. Z. S. 1868, p. 182; id. Cat. Monk. B. M. p. 20 (1870); Schleg. Mus. P.-B. vii. p. 91 (1876). Hab. Gaboon and Congo (Mus. Lugd.) ; Cabonda (Monteiro). The Moustache Monkey is also readily distinguishable by its naked blue nose and yellowish cheek-tufts. It is often brought alive to Europe, and we have had many specimens of it living in the Monkey-house. Sehlegel gives Gaboon and Congoland for its localities; we have received living examples procured by Monteiro in Cabonda, just north of the Congo. Sect. B. Cercopitheci chloronoti. The Green Monkeys known to me are six in number. They are all more or less of an olivaceous green above and white beneath. Their arms and legs are greyish, not black. They may be shortly diagnosed as follows :- A. Facie carnea 10. cynosurus. B. Facie nigra. a. Frontis fascia alba. a'. A n o concolore. ("Mystacibus elongatis albis : scroto caeruleo ... 11. griseo-viridis. \ Mystacibus modicis flavidis : scroto viridi ... 12. callitrichus. b'. Ano rufescente. f Dorso olivaceo 13. lalandii. \ Dorso flavicanti-olivaceo 14. pygerythrus. b. Frontis fascia alba nulla 15. erythrarchus. 10. CERCOPITHECUS CYNOSURUS. Simia cynosuros, Scop. Delic. Flor. Faun. Insubr. i. p. 44, t. xix. (1786). Malbrouck (Cercopithecus cynosurus), F. Cuv. Hist. Nat. Mamm. i. pi. 24 (1819). Cercopithecus cynosurus, Martin, M. An. p. 515; Geoffr. Diet. univ. d'Hist. nat. iii. p. 306; Wagn. Saug. Suppl. v. p. 38 (1855) ; Schleg. Mus. P.-B. vii. p. 72 (1876) ; Sci. List Vert. (1883) p. 5. Chlorocebus cynosurus, Gray, Cat. Monk. B. M. p. 26 (1870). Hab. West Africa : Senegambia ? (Sehlegel). Tbe Malbrouck is one of the commonest of this genus of Monkeys in captivity. During the past ten years we have had at least 25 specimens of it. It is at once recognizable, when alive, by its pale flesh-coloured face, and the blue scrotum of the male. Sehlegel believes that Senegambia is its true patria, but this is a point upon which further information is required. I find it included in Rochebrune's list ('Faune de la Senegambie,' Mamm. p. 33), but I fear his authority is hardly reliable. 11. CERCOPITHECUS GRISEO-VIRIDIS. Simia sabcea, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. p. 38 (1766)? Cercopithecus sabceus, Geoffr. Cat. Prim. p. 22; Schleg. Mus. P.-B. vii. p. 74 (1876). Chlorocebus engythithia, Gray, Cat. Monk. B. M. p. 26 (1870). |