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Show 1893.] SPECIES O F M O T H S F R O M INDIA. 367 POMASIA MONILIATA, sp. n. (Plate XXXII. fig. 9.) 2 . Fore wings fawn-coloured, with all the lines fine, white, very sinuous, and geminated, the first near the base, the second just before, the third beyond the middle ; the fourth, submarginal, consists of a series of white-edged black-centred beads, followed by a blackish shade, and preceded above the inner margin by an oval blackish spot; fringes with pale basal line. Hind wings like fore wings, but without the basal line, and with the second and third not geminated, and approaching each other ; between the bead-like line and the hind margin is an additional irregular whitish curved band, which can be faintly traced on the fore wing also. Head, thorax, and abdomen pale fawn-colour. Underside dull greyish ochreous, with scarcely any markings. Expanse of wings 16 millim. Hab. Khasia Hills. [A single specimen taken by myself at about 5500 feet in September.-H. J. E.~\ POMASIA DENTICLATHRATA, sp. n. o*. Fore wings pale ochreous yellow, traversed from base to margin by a series of closely placed, sinuous, denticulated, pale liver-coloured lines, the yellower interspaces being more manifest along the costa and inner margin; the darker suffusion running across the disk; 14 of these dark lines can be counted. Hind wings the same, but with only 9 lines. Head, thorax, and abdomen similarly mottled. Underside yellower, with the markings dim and fuscous. Expanse of wings 22 millim. Hab. Naga Hills. [Taken by Doherty at about 3000 feet.-H. J. E.~] Subfam. HYDRIOMENINJB. G L A U C O P T E R Y X STELLATA, sp. n. 2 • Fore wings fuscous olive, with the markings deeper fuscous, but indistinct; the paler interspaces starting as small yellowish spots on the costa, and being marked in their course across the wing by bluish-white linear dashes on all the veins, wdiich are themselves dark fuscous; subterminal line, evenly undulating, delicate, bluish white; fringes with their basal half dark olive-grey, the outer half paler, preceded at their base by a thick black line, which is interrupted at the end of each nervule by a large white dot. Hind wings glossy grey, with an indistinct discal dot, and some undefined wavy grey lines towards the hind margin; fringe ochreous grey, preceded by a black line. Underside-fore wing almost wholly cinereous, the markings only showing towards the hind margin; hind wings showing a succession of alternate pale and dark undulating lines; veins towards the hind margin standing out still darker and lighter, where the lines cross them. Head, palpi, and thorax dark fuscous olive; abdomen paler. 25* |