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Show 1893.] ME. E. Y. WATSOJS ON THE HESPEEIIDJE. 3l 24. Genus CALLIANA. Calliana, Moore, P. Z. S. 1878, p. 686. Type, pieridoides, Moore. [Antennae wanting.] Palpi almost erect, second joint thickly scaled, third joint minute. Fore wing: inner margin longer than outer margin; no costal fold in male; vein 12 reaching costa opposite end of cell; cell two-thirds length of costa ; upper angle of cell rounded ; upper discocellular short, outwardly oblique ; middle and lower discocellulars almost erect, the lower the longer ; vein 3 about twice as far from 2 as from end of cell; vein 2 slightly nearer to base of wing than to 3 ; veinlet in cell at just before vein 4. Hind wing evenly rounded ; cell moderate, about half the length of costa ; vein 7 shortly before end of cell, more than four times as far from base as from end of cell; middle discocellulars slightly outwardly oblique, lower slightly inwardly oblique, the lower about half as long again as the middle one ; vein 5 well developed, much nearer to 6 than to 4 ; vein 3 just before end of cell; vein 2 more than twice as far from base as from end of cell. Hind tibias with two pairs of spurs, and also with a tuft of hair longer than the tibia attached to it near its proximal end. The sole species of this genus is pieridoides, Moore, which is not in the British Museum. The above diagnosis is from the type specimen kindly lent m e for that purpose by M r . Moore. Confined to the Oriental region. 25. Genus PISOLA. Pisola, Moore, P. Z. S. 1865, p. 785. Type, zennara, Moore. Antennas and palpi much as in Capita. Fore wing: inner margin considerably longer than outer margin ; neuration as in Calliana, from which it differs only in having no tuft ou the hind tibise in the male. zennara, Moore i. cerinthus, Felder 2. Confined to Asia. 26. Genus CECROPTERUS. Cecropterus, Herr.-Schaff. Prodr. Syst. Lep. iii. p. 45 (1869). Type, zarex, Hiibn. Antennas: club moderate, bent into a hook, the terminal portion equal to remainder of club. Palpi porrect, second joint densely scaled, third joint small. Fore wing: outer margin longer than inner margin; no costal fold in male; cell long, more than two-thirds length of fore wing; vein 12 reaching costa before end of cell; upper discocellular minute, middle discocellular inwardly oblique, lower more erect; vein 5 nearer to 4 than to 6; vein 3 more than four times as far from base of wing as from end of cell; vein 2 twice as far from end of cell as from base of wing. Hind wing much produced in submedian area, but with no distinct lobe |