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Show 262 MR. A. D. MICHAEL ON A NEW [Mar. 14, Pentagonaster meridionalis, id. Phil. Trans. 168. (1879) p. Gnathaster meridionalis, Sladen, Chall. Rep. Ast. (1889) p. Gnathaster pilulatus, id. t. c. p. 292. 8. ODONTASTER MILIARIS. Astrogonium miliare, Gray, P. Z. S. 1847, p. 79. Gnathaster miliaris, Sladen, Chall. Rep. Ast. (1889) p. 750. I include this species on Mr. Sladen's authority ; the only specimen of it that I have seen, that described by Dr. Gray, has the mouth-parts so poorly preserved that I cannot say whether or no it had the spines which are characteristic of this genus. 9. ODONTASTER PAXILLOSUS. Astrogonium paxillosum, Gray, P. Z. S. 1847, p. 79. Gnathaster paxillosus, Sladen, Chall. Rep. Ast. (1889) p. 750. 10. ODONTASTER PEDICELLARIS. Asterodon pedicellaris, Perrier, Miss. Cap Horn (1891), p. K. For the limits of this species, see the remarks under 0. grayi. 11. ODONTASTER SINGULARIS. Goniodiscus singularis, M. Tr., Arch. f. Nat. 1843, p. 116. Pentagonaster singularis, Perrier, Arch. Zool. exper. v. (1876) p. 38. Gnathaster singularis, Sladen, Chall. Rep. Ast. (1889) p. 750. Asterodon singularis, Perrier, Miss. Cap Horn (1891), p. K. 134. Mr. Sladen includes Goniodiscus verrucosus, Phil., under Gnathaster with a sign of doubt. 4. On a new Genus and Species of Acari found in Cornwall. By A. D. MICHAEL, F.L.S., F.Z.S., P.R.M.S., &c. [Eeceived March 11, 1893.] (Plate XVIII.) In November 1892 I was staying near the Land's End, Cornwall: in one of the small rocky bays which are found along this granite coast a little stream of fresh water comes down from the cliffs in the middle of the bay; at the edge of the stream, where it only trickled, and near enough to the sea to be within the influence of wind-carried spray, some considerable patches of the small green water-weed Cladophora fracta were growing. Amongst this weed I found examples of several species of Acarina, and was taking the |