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Show 356 MR. W. WARREN ON N E W GENERA AND [Apr. 18, of wings whitish green, with the dark discal spots and apical blotches showing through. Expanse of wings 32 millim. Hab. Sikkim. Although the example is a $ , there is no doubt about its being an Uliocnemis, from the great similarity to others of the genus, especially to a yet undescribed species from Japan in the B. M. Collection. [Taken in June by 0. Moller.-H. J. K] ULIOCNEMIS ALBIRADIATA, sp. n. 2 . Wings grass-green, with some very faint, paler, transverse undulations ; costa broadly white, becoming greener at the base ; a white basal blotch ; first line at ±, obliquely curved, delicate; the discocellular marked by a similar white curve, convex to the 1st line: all the veins neatly white; the green ground-colour is concisely bordered at § by a broad whitish-ochreous patch, which occupies the rest of the wing except the apical third, where the green ground-colour reappears, traversed by the white veins, and transversely by an obliquely curved white line, starting from the costa before the apex, and disappearing where it joins the pale patch above the centre of the wing; fringes whitish, with darker dividing lines ; some very minute dark dots between the veins below tbe apex, one larger in the middle of the hind margin, aud a black line at the anal angle, before which there is a slight fuscous discoloration of the pale ochreous blotch. Hind wings like fore wings, but with the ground-colour restricted to a rhomboidal basal area, the ochreous pale patch running up along both the costa and abdominal margins ; towards the 2 angles the fuscous discoloration of the fore wings is repeated to a still greater extent; 2 or 3 large dark dots before the fringe at the inner angle. Head, thorax, and abdomen green, underside of abdomen white. Underside of wings bluish green towards the base, with a broad white border containing a brown patch at the inner angle of the hind wings, and at the anal angle and in the centre of the hind margin of the fore wings. Expanse of wings 36 millim. Hab. Naga Hills. [A verv lovely and distinct species, taken by Doherty at 5000- 7000 feet.-H. J. E.'] ULIOCNEMIS DELINEATA, sp. n. (Plate XXXI. fig. 14.) 3 2 • Fore Mings pale yellowish green, covered with fine irregularly undulating yellowish strigae ; the costa broadly pale yellowish to the tip ; all the veins yellowish ; 1st line straight, oblique, whitish ; 2nd line, starting at about £ of the costa, runs straight towards the anal angle, stopping short and turning abruptly base-wards along the 1st median nervule, and then reaching the inner margin before the angle as a vertical broader blotch; discal dot |