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Show 256 MR. p. L. SCLATER O N T H E [Mar. 14, who in 1883 was sent out to French Congo on a special mission to explore the Natural Products of the new French territory between Gaboon and the river Congo. APPENDIX.-Indexspecierum mihi nondum obviarum* 1. CERCOPITHECUS BOUTOURLINI. Cercopithecus boutourlinii, Giglioli, Zool. Anz. x. p. 510 (Cercopithecus albigularis, Giglioli, Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. ser. vi. p. 8 (1888). Hab. Central Africa. This species was based on a specimen transmitted to the Florence Museum from Kaffa, N.E. Africa, by Dr. Traversi. It has been subsequently united to C. albogularis. 2. CERCOPITHECUS FLAVIDUS. Cercopithecus flavidus, Peters, Reise n. Moss., Siiug. p. 3, Hab. Mozambique. " Allied to C. rufo-viridis and C. albogularis."-Peters. 3. CERCOPITHECUS GRAYI. Cercopithecus grayi, Fraser, Cat. Knowsl. Coll. p. 8 (1850); Gray, P. Z. S. 1868, p. 182 ; id. Cat. Monk. B. M. p. 22 (1870). Hab. West Africa (Knowsley Coll.). This is said to be very closely allied to C. mona, but to differ in having a yellowish-white spot over each eye, and a black stripe on each side of the head from eye to ear; up the centre of the forehead runs a darkish stripe, each hair being annulated with black and greenish yellow. There are no white spots on the crupper. 4. CERCOPITHECUS LABIATUS. Cercopithecus labiatus, Geoffr. Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. p. 1038 (1842) ; id. Diet. univ. d'Hist. nat. iii. p. 302; id. Archiv. du Mus. ii. p. 555. Hab. West Africa ? Sometimes considered to be the same as C. samango. Based on a single menagerie specimen. 5. CERCOPITHECUS MONOIDES. Cercopithecus monoides, Geoffr. C. R. xv. p. 1038 (1842; descr. * The following species is no doubt a Cercocebus, allied to C. albigena CERCOPITHECUS ATERRIMUS. Cercopithecus aterrimus, Oudemans, Zool. Gart. xxxi. p. 267 (1890). Hab. Central Africa : Stanley Falls on the Congo. |