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Show 1893.1 REPTILES AND BATRACHIANS EROM BORNEO. 525 in a point. Brown above, with small black spots ; an interrupted black streak along each side of the head and neck, passing through the eye; upper lip and lower parts white; belly with three longitudinal series of small black spots ; a black line along the lower surface of the tail. Total length 340 millim.; tail 33. A single male specimen from Mt. Kina Balu (Everett). CALAMARIA EVERETTI. Eostral broader than deep, well visible from above; frontal once and a half as long as broad, not twice as broad as the supraocular, shorter than the parietals; one prse- and one postocular; eye rather large, its diameter much greater than its distance from the mouth ; five upper labials, third and fourth entering the eye ; two pairs of chin-shields in contact with each other ; first lower labial in contact with its fellow behind the symphysial. Scales in 13 rows. Ventrals 144; anal entire; subcaudals 23. Tail ending in a point. Coloration quite similar to that of C. sumatrana, Edeling. Brown above with longitudinal series of darker spots, forming two lines along each side ; each scale of the outer row white in the middle, dark brown on the borders; nape dark brown, followed by a yellow collar; upper surface of head brown, spotted with darker ; lower parts uniform yellowish, with a dark line along the middle of the tail. Total length 100 millim. ; tail 10. A single young specimen from Sarawak (Everett). EANA CAVITYMPANUM. (Plate XLIII. fig. 1.) Vomerine teeth in two slightly oblique transverse groups between the choanal; latter of moderate size. Head moderate, as long as broad ; snout short, rounded, not projecting, with angular canthus rostralis and deeply concave loreal region ; nostril slightly nearer the eye than the tip of tbe snout; interorbital space narrower than the upper eyelid ; tympanum distinct, deeply sunk, three-fifths the diameter of. the eye. Fingers moderate, first extending slightly beyond second ; toes moderate, entirely webbed ; disks well developed, about half the diameter of the tympanum; subarticular tubercles rather small; a very small, oval inner metatarsal tubercle, not quite one third the length of the inner toe. Hind limb very long, as in R. whiteheadi ; tibia two-tbirds length of head and body. Skin smooth ; no glandular lateral fold. Pale grey-brown above, a broad dorsal area blackish brown, sharply defined on the sides ; a dark bar between the eyes ; a black streak from the lip to the shoulder, passing through the nostril and eye and above the tympanum ; lips with black spots ; limbs with narrow dark brown cross-bars ; lower parts white. Male with an external vocal sac on each side of the throat, below the commissure of the jaws ; no humeral gland; inner finger thickened at the base. From snout to vent 45 millim. A single male specimen from Kina Balu (Everett). |