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Show 290 MR. H. DRUCE ON N E W [Mar. 28, DEVARA CHEPTA, sp. n. (Plate XIX. fig. 10.) Male. Primaries deep black, with a small white streak extending from the base, about halfway across the wing. Secondaries white, very broadly bordered with'black from the apex to the anal angle; the fringes of both wings black. Head, antennae, and palpi black ; collar white ; abdomen black, spotted with white on each side; legs greyish black. Expanse \\ inch. Hab. Bolivia (Mus. B.). Allied to B. charisia, Druce, and B. subsericea, Feld., but differs greatly from either of them. NELO, Walk. N E L O TOXICRATA, sp. n. (Plate X I X . figs. 11, 12.) Male. Upperside similar to A", philoclamea, Druce, but rather brighter in colour; on the underside it differs from that species in having a large orange-yellow spot on the primaries, beyond the middle ; in all other respects the two species are almost identical. Expanse If inch. Hab. Peru (Mus. B.). Fam. DIOPTIDA LAURON, Walk. LAURON CHOMA, sp. n. Female. Primaries black, hyaline from the base to about the middle ; the costal margin yellowish at the base ; the inner margin orange-yellow from the base to the anal angle; and two spots on the outer margin orange-yellow, joining a narrow white band that crosses the wing from the costal to the outer margin. Secondaries hyaline ; the veins all black; the apex bordered with black; the outer margin broadly banded with orange-yellow. The fringes of both wings greyish black ; the underside similar to the upperside, but without the orange-yellowr on the inner margin of the primaries. Head, palpi, and antennae black ; thorax orange-yellow ; abdomen brownish black, with a bluish-white line down the middle; the underside greyish white; the legs black. Expanse If inch. Hab. Ecuador, Intaj (Buckley, Mus. B.). A distinct species, not closely allied to any known to me. LAURON OSIBA, sp. n. (Plate XIX. fig. 13.) Male. Primaries black ; a wide streak extending from the base to beyond the middle, whitish hyaline; the costal streaked with orange-yellow from the base nearly to the apex; part of the inner margin aud the anal angle bordered with orange-yellow; a narrow white band crosses the wing near the apex, but does not touch either margin. Secondaries whitish hyaline ; the apex and |