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Show 730 PROF. G. B. HOWES ON THE RESPIRATORY [Dec, 5, This, so far as I know, is the first example of this most interesting species of Wild Goat that has reached Europe alive1. Capra caucasica, 2 • Prof. G. B. Howes exhibited the heads of two Lampreys and a Hag showing some remarkable variations of the respiratory organs, and made the following statements concerning them:- Huxley in 1876 demonstrated2 the existence in the adult Lamprey of " a depression behind each of the pharyngeal vela "... which he conceived " to be the remains of the hyoidean cleft which opens externally in the Ammoccete ; " Scott3, Dohrn \ Parker6, and Shipley6 have confirmed this, except that they have confessed themselves unable to detect the presence of its alleged external orifice. Parker in 1883 recorded, on the authority of Prof. Weldon7, the observation of " seven pairs of pouches " in indi- 1 O n this species and its allies, Capra cylindricornis and C. severtsowi, see Dr. Menzbier's remarks, P. Z. S. 1887, p. 618. 2 Journ. Anat. & Phys. vol. x. p. 420. 3 Morph. Jahrb. Bd. vii. p. 142. * Naples Mittheilungen, Bd. vi. p. 56. 6 Phil. Tr. 1883, part ii. p. 446. 6 Q. J. M . S. vol. xxvii. p. 349. 7 Loc. cit. p. 384. M y friend Prof. Weldon informs m e that his specimen "had seven complete gills on the right side and seven plus a ductus on the left." It has been lost, but a figure and description of it are to appear in Mr. W . Bateson's forthcoming work on Variation.-G. B. H. |