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Show 612 THE SECRETARY ON ADDITIONS TO THE MENAGERIE. [Nov. 7, November 7, 1893. Sir W . H . F L O W E R , K.C.B., LL.D., F.R.S., President, in the Chair. The Secretary read the following reports on the additions made to the Society's Menagerie during the months of June, July, August, and September, 1893 :- The registered additions to the Society's Menagerie during the month of June were 146, of which 71 were by presentation, 24 by purchase, 24 by birth, and 27 were received on deposit. The total number of departures during the same period by death and removals was 106. The most noticeable additions during the month were :- 1. Four South Island Robins (Miro albifrons) from N e w Zealand, presented by Captain Edgar J. Evans, June 6th, being the first examples of these interesting Antipodean representatives of the European Robin that have reached us. 2. A n adult male of Stairs's Monkey, Cercopithecus stairsi, presented by Mr. F. Hintz on June 7th. It is of great interest to receive a second specimen of this wrell-marked Monkey, which I have lately described from a specimen living in the Society's Gardens (see P. Z. S. 1892, p. 580, pi. xl.). In reply to inquiries, Mr. Hintz informs m e that the Monkey w^as brought by his brother from Mozambique about eight years ago. W h e n first obtained it was quite young and only about 20 inches in length; it is now obviously quite adult and agrees generally with the figure above referred to. It measures in length of body about 18 inches, tail only 7 inches, the apical portion of the tail being absent: in colour it nearly resembles the first specimen, having. the same characteristic rufous bands on each side of the head; but it also showrs a patch of rufous on the rump, just above the tail, which was not noticeable in that specimen. The arms outside are black-grey, the hands quite black ; the legs outside are grey; the feet are not quite so black as the hands ; the back of the shoulders is dark grey, the back itself, especially the lower part, of a yellowish grey; the anal region and about 3 inches at the base of the tail are rufous; the scrotum is very dark blue (indigo); the inner side of the limbs and the belly are milky white ; the face is black. There are two patches of chestnut-coloured hair on the forehead, next the ears, as in the former example. The wdiole of the hair of the upper parts is minutely grizzled. Compared with the young female figured P. Z. S. 1892, pi. xl., the present animal is more darkly coloured. It has not the yellowish back such as the young female had. 3. A family of six European Beavers, consisting of a male, a female, and four young ones, from the Lower Rhone, purchased (of M r . Vergnier Cantarel, of Toulouse, and received) June 29. I am not aware that specimens of the European Beaver (Castor |