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Show 420 MR. W. WARREN ON NEW GENERA AND [Apr. 18, along the base of the fringes ; the apex of the wing is paler slate, like the base; a small dark central dot. Hind wings with a central spot and the second and third lines reproduced. Underside dull cinereous, with the apex whitish; the central dot and central fascia in both wings showing indistinctly darker. Head, antenna?, thorax, and abdomen all dark slate-colour. Expanse of wings, 52 millim. Hab. Sikkim. [I have never taken this fine species myself, but Moller's collectors brought several males and one female from the interior in June.-H. J. E.~] DEINOTRICHIA SCOTOSIARIA, sp. n. (Plate XXX. fig. 9.) 3 2 • Cinereous-olive, dusted with numerous blackish transverse striga?, with 3 blackish transverse lines, all thicker on the costa ; the first with a paler line inside ; the exterior with the paler one externally, this line is bent inwards from the costa, then angulated outwards for a short distance, again running straight in the original direction along the middle of the wing, and reaching the inner margin with 3 or 4 short curves ; submarginal lines formed of black blotches between the veins, with a paler fine beyond, which forms a small abrupt sinus in the centre of the wing; a row of black lunules before the fringe, which is darker and slightly scalloped; a black central spot, with a black costal blotch above it. Hind wings with a regularly denticulated, externally pale-edged central line, and an irregular fainter submarginal one ; black lunules and fringe, as in the fore wings. Underside dull ochreous cinereous, paler along the hind margins. Head and abdomen the same. Expanse of wings 30-56 millim. The lines are often very indistinct, and the size is particularly variable. Hab. Sikkim. The species might easily be taken for a Scotosia. [This was not very rare on Tonglo at 10,000 feet in July. There was a female in Mr. Moore's collection unnamed, from Dalhousie. A much smaller form, which I should have considered distinct on account of the obscure markings of the fore wing and much paler hind wing, was taken at the same time and extends up to 13,000 feet on the Nepal frontier. It is a well-marked variety.-H. J. E.] DRYOCO:TIS, Hiib. Verz. p. 316. Astacuda, Moore, Lep. Coll. Atk. p. 244. Pseudangerona, Moore, Ceylon, iii. p. 414. Serraca, Moore, Ceyl. iii. p. 416. Type, B. roboraria, Schiff. DRYOCCETIS NIGRESCENS, sp. n. _ 2 -^ Wings dark smoky brown, slightly tinged with purplish, with faint indications of two darker denticulated transverse hues running |