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Show 1893.] SPECIES OF MOTHS FROM INDIA. 415 ERINNYS, gen. nov. Fore wings with costa straight, hardly convex before apex, which is slightly subfalcate; hind margin indistinctly crenulate, more oblique below the centre than above; hind wings sub-crenulate, with a slightly more prominent tooth at end of 1st subcostal and 1st median nervules. Antennae simple in both sexes, slightly thickened in 3 towards base; palpi obliquely ascending, 3rd joint shorter than 2nd, horizontally porrect; tongue present. Hind tibiae of 3 thickened and flattened laterally, with 2 pairs of short, stout, spurs. Hind wings of 3 with a small fovea close to base in the cell, which is visible above as a small dark raised patch. Type, Erinnys combusta, sp. n. ERINNYS COMBUSTA, sp. n. o*. Fore wings ochreous, suffused with yellow and tawny and thickly sprinkled with black atoms; inner line indicated by 2 small black-brown blotches, one below, the other above the median ; a small black-brown cell-spot; exterior line sinuous, black-brown at A, more or less parallel to hind margin; marginal area dark fulvous brown, except a slightly paler patch above the anal angle; fringes yellowish straw, dotted with black at end of all the veins, and entirely black opposite the cell. Hind wings in the main similar, but the basal half suffused with fulvous, and bounded, before the middle, by an irregularly dentate dark line, beyond which the wing is strikingly whitish. Head, thorax, and abdomen straw-colour mixed with tawny. Underside like upper, but brighter; the light and dark tints more contrasted. Expanse of wings 30 millim. Hab. Sikkim. Superficially reminding one of Garcms. HETEROSTEGANTA, gen. nov, Anisodes, Moore, Lep. Coll. Atk. p. 250. Stegania, Moore, Lep. Coll. Atk. p. 260. Allied to Stegania; but easily distinguished. Fore wings longer j costa slightly arched, apex obtuse ; hind margin oblique, curved; hind wings rounded, slightly protuberant in the middle of the hind margin, and with the anal angle square. Antennae in $ simple, filiform; in 3 thickened, slightly pubescent; palpi short, horizontally porrect. Type, H. lunulosa, Moore (Anisodes). HETEROSTEGANIA NIGROFUSA, sp. n. o*. Fore wings wood-colour suffused with tawny, and sparsely dusted with coarse black atoms, a broad central fascia filled up with pale tawny, with a still paler patch just below the median; the inner edge of this fascia consists of a series of small curves 28* |