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Show 298 MR. H. DRUCE ON N E W [Mar. 28, ELORIA CLODIA, sp. n. Male. Primaries and secondaries semihyaline black. Primaries with a large round cream-coloured spot about the middle of the wing. Secondaries with a few cream-coloured scales at the end of the cell; the fringe of both wings black. Underside similar to the upperside, but paler, and the cream-coloured marks more suffused over the wings. Antennae and palpi black ; head and collar bright yellow ; thorax and abdomen black ; the underside of the abdomen yellow ; legs greyish black. Female. Similar to the male. Expanse, d 1| inch, $ 2y^- inches. Hab. Amazons, Santarem (Leech, Mus. B.). Fam. LASIOOAMPIDA APATELODES, Pack. APATELODES PANDARA, sp. n. Male. Allied to Apatelodes firmeana, Cr., and very similar in colour,^ but not quite so grey. The narrow lines crossing the primaries are straight, not curved as in that species ; the second and third line crossing the wing join at the anal angle and form a V-shaped mark; the lines on the underside of both wings are also straight; the reddish-brown mark on the primaries near the apex is extended further down the outer margin. Expanse 1^ inch. Hah. Ecuador, Sarayacu (Buckley, Mus. B.). APATELODES CIRNA, sp. n. Male. Primaries greyish brown, palest along the costal margin. An indistinct waved whitish line extends from the apex to the anal angle ; a large dark brown spot edged with white on the inner margin, close to the base; a small black spot at the end of the cell; on the inner margin above the anal angle the wing is pale fawn-colour, crossed by a short reddish-brown band that does not reach tbe cell. Secondaries greyish brown, broadly bordered with darker brown; the fringes of both wings dark brown. Underside : primaries greyish fawn-colour, the apex and part of the outer margin dark brown; secondaries fawn-colour, a spot at the end of the cell and two waved lines crossing the wing from the costal to the inner margin dark brown, the second line edged with white on the outer side, the outer margin broadly bordered with dark brown. The head, antennae, thorax, abdomen, and legs brownish fawn-colour. Expanse 2 ^ inches. Hab. Ecuador, Sarayacu (Buckley, Mus. B.). A very distinct species. TAGORA, Walk. TAGORA CORAX, sp. n. Female. Primaries and secondaries pale greyish fawn-colour, |