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Show 1893.] ME. E. E. AUSTEN ON NEW DIPTEEOUS INSECTS. 151 Croup III. B A C C H A CULTEATA, sp. n. (Plate V. figs. 8, 9, d 2 •) 2. Length 12| mm.; width of second abdominal segment 2| mm., of fourth abdominal segment 3 mm., across the posterior margin in each case. Head and thorax yellow, centred portion of dorsum of thorax dark greenish bronze, with three cinereous pollinose stripes ; abdomen broad and fiat, not contracted basally, but expanding regularly to beyond the middle of the fourth segment, chestnut coloured, with ochraceous bands and other markings, a posterior band on the second to the fourth segments shining burnt-sienna coloured ; first and second pairs of legs wholly ochraceous j posterior pair ochraceous rufous, an incomplete and ill-defined brownish band near the tips of the femora, the tibias, except the base and tips, dark brown, and the whitish yellow. Wings large, broad, stronglg suffused with ochraceous, darkest along the fore-border above and immediately below the second longitudinal vein, and in the (listed third of the submarginal cell; there is also a less dark area on each side of the sixth longitudinal vein ; second longitudinal vein considerably convex forwards in the centred portion of its course ; third longitudinal vein nearly straight, terminal portion of fourth vein closing first posterior cell deeply sinuate, but not very oblicpie: alulae, about half the full size, straight posterior edge: knobs of halter es ferruginous. Face and cheeks shining opalescent yellow; facial tubercle low, ochreous. Front orange-ochraceous, dull, the posterior fourth dark olivaceous; antenniferous tubercle shining yellow on the sides, with a large quadrate shining black spot above the base of the antennae; from the ocelli, which are remote from the vertex, a narrow dark median stripe runs forwards, but becomes faint and nearly obliterated before reaching the supra-antennal spot. Antennas missing; occiput yellowish pollinose, with a fringe of pale yellow hairs. Of the three cinereous pollinose stripes on the thorax, one, which is very narrow, is in the median line, and is separated by two narrow dark stripes from the other two cinereous stripes, which are broader; outside these is a very broad dark bronze stripe on each side, which is divided by the transverse suture ; the cinereous stripes are abbreviated at about two-thirds the length of the thorax, leaving the bronze colour to extend to the scutellum; sides of the dorsum and pleurae metallic yellow, the posterior portion of the pleurae more steely; metanotum shining bronze. Scutellum raw-sienna coloured, yellower along the anterior margin, moderately shining. Abdomen : first segment yellow on the sides, orange-ochraceous in the centre, with the central portion of the posterior border dark brown; second segment reddish ochraceous at the base, and with a narrow and considerably curved (posteriorly concave) ochraceous band across the middle; this may appear to be narrowly interrupted in the median line; third segment narrowly ochreous at the extreme base, and with a broad, slightly curved (posteriorly concave) ochraceous transverse band, |