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Show 28 ME. E. Y. WATSON ON THE HESPEEIIDJE. [Jan. 17, 18. Genus N A S C U S , nov. Type, phocus, Cramer. Antennse : club rather robust, bent into a hook, terminal portion very slender and rather longer than rest of club. Palpi upturned, third joint almost concealed. Fore wing: outer margin very much longer than inner margin, the apex being very conspicuously produced ; cell more than two-thirds the length of costa ; male with a costal fold ; discocellulars very oblique, the lower one slightly the longer; vein 3 shortly before end of cell; vein 2 close to base of wing. Hind wing anally produced, and with an inconspicuous tooth at vein lb; vein 7 close to end of cell; discocellulars and vein 5 barely traceable; vein 3 immediately before the end of the cell; vein 2 considerably nearer to end of cell than to base of wing. Hind tibise with a long fringe of coarse hairs and with two pairs of spurs. f phocus, Cram, rf 1 • X *pherenice, Hew. 9_. broteas, Cram. § ^" euribates, Cram. 9. S. nicias, Fabr. tf • *hesus, Westw. cS • *etias, Hew. $. *eriopis, Hew. o* 4. ccepio, H.-S. (J? 5. cephise, H.-S. S ? 6. And three unidentified species. Confined to South America. 19. Genus BUNGALOTIS, nov. (Plate III. fig. 7.) Type, midas, Cramer. Antennse : club very gradually thickened and tapering to a fine point, bent at about a right angle; terminal portion very long, about twice as long as remainder of club, and about one-fourth of the whole antenna. Palpi: third joint entirely concealed by the scales of the second joint. Fore wing : inner margin longer than outer margin, cell more than two-thirds tbe length of costa; male with a very prominent costal fold; discocellulars almost erect, subequal; vein 3 more than three times as far from base of wing as from end of cell; vein 2 less than three times as far from end of cell as from base of wing. Hind wing produced at anal angle, but with no conspicuous lobe ; vein 7 well before end of cell, less than twice as far from 8 as from 6 ; discocellulars slightly outwardly oblique; vein 3 before end of cell; vein 2 twice as far from 3 as 3 is from 4, and twice as far from base of wing as from 3. Hind tibise with a rather long fringe and two pairs of spurs. The costa of the hind wing in the male of the type species is black with bluish reflections, a character which is probably sexual. midas, Cramer. <3 1. erytkus, Cramer. 9. 6. astylos, Cramer. 9 2. *nicephorus, Hew. tf ... 7. *phaselis, Hew. ^J 9. 3. poligius, Latr. 9. 4. f ramusis, Cramer. § ... 5. \ *astrapa>us, Hew. § . Confined to South America. sebrus, Feld. J 8. *pelignus, Hew. $. *gonatus, Hew. $>. heras, Mab. tf § 9, |