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Show THE;THIRD BOOKE) OF (THE 137° HISTORIE OF PLANTS, se The vertues. A Mufeus capillarisfine Adiantum aurewn. Goldilocks,or Golden Maidenhaire Moffe. Serapiofaith, that the wine in which Mofle hath beene fteepedcertaine daies, brin fleepe,ftrengtheneththe ftomacke,ftaieth vomiting,and ftoppeth the belly. B Diofeorides writeth, thatthe decoction of Mofile is good for womento fitin, 1371 Mufe ah . oe the & with the whites; it is mixed with the oyle of Ben,and with oyles to thicken them wit Cc Ic is fit to be vfed in compofitions which feruefor{weet perf mes, and that take awaywearifom- e7 &iig ia wy nefies for which things thatis beft ofallwhichis moft fweere offinell. Chap.157. OfGround eMoffe. % The kindes. part ofthe earth divers Mofle ll or vppermoft Hete >stowethalfo 10 onthefuperficia t r t rocks and ftonie places,and marrifh grounds, differing in forme nota little. 2 Mufcus terreftris /coparins, Beefome ground Mofle. L Mufeutert estrn vulga ris. <=ALG CommongroundMofle, . The defeription. : kinde of Moffe called Mufeus capillarts, js feldome found but vpon bogsand moorith f } 2 } This great irin hes where the funne doth notcome, L found tts; andalfo infome fhadowie drie dicc iteed Sindauce ina thadowic ditch vpon the lefthandneere vntoa gatethat leadeth from Hamp teath toward Highgate, which place Lhaue fhewedvntodivers expert chirurgions of I ondon, in les. This kinde of Moffe,the ft ik vhere e iitwandeting abroadfor our further knowledg infimp togither, ¢ haires ftandingvery hort h redwit coue , high full hand Haténot aboue one s very fine naked fi time fome vp g {prin kes ftal h whic er yellow greene colour; out of te comes: the h hangas it were little graines like whea fawhat black,yponthe tops of whic d maruellous fine. atyety flender,an I mre r. This ki lefler 4 Of this there is alfo another kinide altogither trees 5 likewife vf androtten moffie olde in moytt places alfo,commonly Ste chinks and cranies of {tone wals. %& The defeription. Sah yet : ; ; on Moffe groweth vpen the earth, and the bc ees oftentimes foundin the fhadowic pl then enate p| ling many flenderbranches, which diutac haires, ofabr Placed confufedly very many {mall threds like Vy Yato the ftones like vnto Sea Coralline. e Mis otherkinde of branched Moffe in {talkes ai 1 Jeauesis like thepr : flov int Mthe in inape tender3. . branches commeth foorthaADORE We te, ar p ks ifhed witht me t awhitifh colour tending to yelownert, and garn =€iower branches, Py : inniD! L 2 Obelius { i another kinde,which e there is 1e hauee awhice I hich EM Pyxidatosw } Minfeus mot Of 2 inthe ! <a grauelly ditch banks,¢ Noort ' MOL batren,drie.and leanne: {tart 5 leaves } which are among i alice. ar ‘ ; fie: ticllowith white colour: din Beaker ot Chalice, a! id PMBTON of s,and {uch lik thereof, bei 2 Beefome : Sitathionedlike alittle cup li i calleda ttt 4 |