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Show THHISTORIE OOF PLANTS. THE SECOND BOIOKE OFTHE 2 Pepowinor fyluestriss The greatwilde Pompion, The {gralwildé Pompioni va Cucurbitaananina, 2 Cucurbitalscenaria, Bottle Gonides, Snakes Gourde, aN ~ as EPH = Aen ee PeeAS= = 1 Pepomaiorfyluestris. We < .* Vs y HENSON NAN (e Wy +, Theplace. : Thefe Melons do. growe, wilde in Barbarie,) Aftica; and:moft partes of theeaft and welt Indies, They growe notin thefe partessexcept they be fowert. © Yeohe time, ‘Their timeofflowring and flourifhinganfwereth that ofthe gatden Pompion. " The names. a ae ~ Althoughthe ancient Phifitions haue made no mention ofthefe-plants, yer-the thing tt fete doth thew, thar there be fuch, and ought to be called in Greeke mimvesdyear: in Latine Pepanet ~ #ejfres :in Englith wilde Melons or Pompions, & Thetemperature. fee _ Like as thefe wilde Melons be altogither of their owne-siature very bitter, fo be they alfoo! oe petature hot and drie,and that inthe latter end of the fecond degree. Theyhaue likewife aclenling facultie,not inferiorto the wilde Cucumbers; % Thevertues. i hath: A Thewine, which whenthe pith and feedeis taken foorth, is powredinto the rinde, a0 eb mained fo long thereintill fuch time.as it becommethbitter, doth purget he belly,fameoper™ i and bring® tion: foorthflegmatike and cholerickehumors. To be briefestlie nice heereo: fis of the that the wilde Cucumber is of ; and being dried it may be vfedin fteede 0: f Elatersum, the dried iuice of the wilde Cucumber, Of Gourdes.. Chap.332. % The kindes. fame bing | Here be diners forts of Gourds, fome wilde, and others tameor of the gardens c forme 01%" foorthfruite like vnto a bottlesothers long,bigger atone end,keeping no certain fhion; fome gteater,othersleffer, 1 cnet 4 I % Thedefeription. : k He Gourde brin geth fooreh very lorig {talks yas bethofe ofthe Vine,cornered and parted Rebaanes which with his clafping tendrels taketlrholde and climeth vp vpon datas preat aot : a € neere vntoit: the leaues be very great,broad, and fhatpe pointed, miiteffeeze as be alt ne Clote Burre, butfofter, and fomewhat couetedas it were with a Witeand Btowefoor he ne {talks and branches like thofe of the Marfh Mallowe : the flowers be Henot a} ofonefathic. ae the bofome ofthe Jeaues: in their places come vp the ftuite, which *eebellyanda fmall = eats they haue the forme of flagons,or bottles, with a great lomo fathion i necke,The Gourd faith Plinie inhis x9.booke5.chaprer, groweth into-anie ay other i you would haueit,either like vnto a wreatheddragon’, the legge of'a man,or sabe pon an ach OF Ing to the moulde whereinit is put whileft itis yoong;beingfuffered to fon of hisgreatw Surheee the frnite may hang-,ithath beenefeene to benine footelong,byreatatdyag ian fe it which hathftretched it out to the length :the rinde whenit is tipe,is verie ldatthe to ‘is OFa\yellow colour;the meate otinner pulpe is white: thefeede long,’ flat, ‘poinWate *? oade belowe, with two peakes ftanding ont like hornes, white within,, and {weete 2 Thefeconddj fw : as emg ae not fromthe precedent in ftalkes,leaues,or flowers :the fruite heereofis anionedlike a bottle or flagon, wherein efpécially confifteth the difference, « TheGo d % Theplace. iit the sioda cherithed inthe gardens ofchete cold regions, ratherfor pleafire then for Sro- 2") ehpecialt rues where they come to ripenefle ,they arefometimeseaten (but with fnallde“them for , i *Y ate kept for the rindes,. wherein theyput Turpentine, Oile, Honie, andalfo Pals to fetchwaterin > and many other the like vies. %& The Seea ee Se awd |