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Show 1382 THE THIRD BOOKE OF THE HISTORIE° %& The defeription. 3 dg 5 Spongiamarina alba, 2 The black Corrall groweth vpontherocks neere to the fea about Maffilia,in manerofthe for. mers heerin differing fromit, inthatthisis ofa fhining blacke coldur , and very fmooth growin vp ratherlikea wee,thenlike a fhrub, " 3 Corallinns album. a OF PLANTS, : Bivaite Spunge. = © Spongia marin: " Yell =ge ett Sr 4 Coralliumluteum, White Corrall. Yellow Corrall. PUTAS TRY ALSet iS eu Yh) Wis Wise st The places The place oftheir srowing is fufficiently {pokenofin their feuerall defcriptions, & The time. j the time anfwereth the other kindes of the fea Mofles. p The names. , blacke Corral, Corallima Corallisun rubrum, is calledin Englifh red Corrall. Goraliiwmmigram white Corralline: Corallina rubens,ted Corralline. zo ; se The temperature. cies, and is verie Cotrall bindeth, and meanelycooleth: it clenfeth the fears and {pots of the ectuall again{t the iffues of bloud,andeafeth the diffigultie of maxing W % The defeription. 3 Thewhite Corrallis like vnto the forme? growing vypon the rocks neere the fea,and in the welt britparts of England,about Saint Michaels mount; but the branches heerofare {maller,and more ee tle, finelier difperfed into a numberofbranches, ofa white colour. 4 Thefourth and laft growethalfo vpon thewefternerockes ofthe fea,and in the place aforens med,and yarieth his colour, fomtimes waxing white,fometimes yellow,and fomtimesred. wrought togens 5 Thereis found growing vpon the rocks neete vntothe fea, a certaine matter ofthe formeorfroth ofthefea , which we call fpunges,after the Latine name, which may very 5 increa’e our anne ly be inferted amongthe fea Moffes,whereofto write at large wouldegteatly vie is fowel knowns and little profite the Reader,confidering we haften to an end, and alfo thacthe vnto all: therefore thefe fewelines mayferue vntill a farther confideration,or a fecond Ediuon. 5 Sperss ater, ; ; se The vertues. about the neck Cotrall drunke in wine or water,preferueth from the {p leene sand fome hang it lich as haue Aforbyme comitialem ; anditis giuen in drinke for the fame purpole. tis foucraigne remedi ne eee ead ftaieall iffues of bloud whatfoeuer in manor wo Mihand the dyfenterie : ae Bumed Corrall dueth more then when itis ynburned, and be giien todrinkein water, it A o *Peth the eripings bie bellic.andthe griefes ofthe ftone in the b! dder. th better Cotrall dranke . min as seat fasoe’ butif the patienthaue an ague then itis W by ; rcaion thebody, moiltnech water the and cooleth Corral celle miniftred in mint me thar hinder lieepe. Mtcofit reftraincth tt a ont ee des andreprefleth the vapours ce the Qurning nce Bucs, Vvvv 2 B |