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Show THE THIRD BOOKE OF ‘THE 1150 HISTORIE OF PUANTS. 4 ‘Theotherkinde of Pyxacantha ov Lycium: srowerh il e vnto the common Prive t, having fick of the flender lheleaties but fomnewhat natrower’: the'toybs-Of fle j are-fur {prigs furni nithed wi th prickesythe Trois % The place. Lombatdie and Syria, as Dio/corideswriteth: Thetrue Acacia groweth. in AEgyps, Palettina, by. Petrus Belloneus amongthethrubs and trees that rematne alwaies green, Acacia isnoted for one tooteis tough,and ofa woodie fubftance. in his firlt booke ofSingularities ,hap.44. writeth:, itis alfo,found in The orher Acacia growethin Cappadociaand Pontusyas Dio Gorides I Lycinm,fine pyxacantha. vponall the coaft of Liguria and Lombars Corfica,and on diuers mountaines of[ralie,and likewife 2 Lytinn Hiffanicim, Boxe Thojne. fea, die,and ypon the Narbon coaft ofthe Mediterranean se The time. Thefe Hower in May,andtheir fruit is ripe in the endof Augutt, se The names. likewife of the Latines The tree Acaciais named ofthe Greciins dxaxe,vea even in our time,and name that 1 can learne, noEnghifh hath thomne ftrange This fPira Acacia sitis allo called Aegyptia yet 1 have namedit the AB gyptian and therefore it may keepe {till che Latine name Acatia; of Germanie The Apothecaries thorne: theiuiceis called alfo Acacia after the nameof the plant, whichthey i of Sloes or Snags, doappoint in ftead hereof,the iuice that is prefled foorth the !ater Herbarifts doca call —4eacia, MAathiolus pitureth for Acacia , the tree which Acacia, andyethehat Hiemightbelie Thornes,that de, to whichhe hath vntruly added it agree with Diofeorrdes his defcription. Acacias andPontica Acacia, ot They.call this’ xexdxdua: in Latine _4eacéa a/fera, orthe,other Ponticke Acacia. The Apothecaries and nany Herbarifts knowe it not. T he nature. ofone onely fabltance.butis of fubftance both The inice of Acacia,as Ga/en faith confifteth not waierie ¢ fence, anditlikewife hath th certaine a colde and earthie, to whichalfo is coupled third ¢ sree, and coldinthe firlt if itbenot hotpattes difperfed in itfelfe stlhereforeit is diie in the by wathig it lofeth his fharpe and biting qualitic, for athed: w e ifitb , nd hefeco andint ; wathed andthe hotpartes. : & The vertues. ate courfe ofwomens termes,and mansintioe The inice of Acacia ftoppeth thelaske,the mordin } luntatie iffve called Goxorrhaa if it be drunke in red wine, the of the eies,:an dmakeththe skin and palmes of ns inatio inflam and gs bla(tin e thth Itheale and makechme blifters and extreme heatein the mouth, hands f{mooth after Serzp7go, healeth the Ms 1 .. with. there haites blacke that are wathed gia,andwhi a,Prery Chimetl s, fhingle he fite,t ies Anthon S. C.__Itis good, faith Diofeorides,againik daw hing spiget dawb ieicko ing lowes. ; ned vntoit: an emplaift it alf ioy The gumdothbinde and fomewhat coo! talfo hath d, Bei g mixe itis ith rew , whe nes : ici he med qualitie,by which it diflléth oralaierh the fharp: resoft {uffer blifters torife in the bu red or fealeee tt will nor applied with the white and yolke of anegge, pattes. Diofcoriaes. ~ Se <2 3 (good butit isnot fo effectualnot !o.goor” Theiuiceofthe other, faith Dioftorides, dothallo binde, ¢ie medicines, Of boxe Fhorne,and The i : % Theplace. rogh pla Mehdi Leta, andin manyother coms: itprofpereth in bedomiug wriceth Fratince; in Prouence and Languedoc, in founde Paice’ Tend in Map ; 2a ,and Sonarpata Boxe Thorne, a plant with Boxeleaves, with very manyboughes Herbarift Céweusllara and others, holde q is drawne out' o eo bancnes ofBoxe Thorne , oras Piinzefaith, out of the hes and ere Lyciwne Dighoy ides (aich Rel Bi x rowly boiled, aiuice, hich is namee raied,and theinfufionmade many daies bet mutt branches and cecaues i Ndecoion there ineth boiled ag if safer which the feaces or » odie ftut fe muftbecafhaway, and thatwhich hding among them : but the notable n hat at Itisnot the tight ; with whom we alfo do agree, ite the inice thereofcalled Lycium. (hap. 25 har the voores ar e tillirbecome as thicke as honie : Playfaith, bittersand fe veflell, and tle w coppet ina ort beiled be mutt they er togith hree daies “KES often % The defiription. the Boxetree, whérest ich Oxe Thorne isa rate plant,in fhape not ynlike es {et full ofround and branch great ned fora wilde kinde,hauing many mott f P tree: among whicia growe foorth like that of the common. Boxe none blacke {mall forth yeelde leaues, which thotnes: the flowers grow¢e among the andota ne he afhes tafte,as bigge as a pepper. cornes the inice whereofis fomewhat ollie a maruellous eracking and fparklings Hae bitteriuice being fer on fire,doth burne with . rootes growing aflope - of are of ated colour :ithath many woodie taken Th ‘ suit till the dec UGtion be boiled tothe thicknesof honte. : sy *& The time. da ae OP y Eebrijarrié xy flower; Werin in Febrisa is ripe in Sepr ite and March,and therrfru Wishart & & The nia $. a eT n Greeke m Sh OF {: “WoNE. ut ofit. 7 ¢x{ Which ‘a mai may call in Lat fe Affe’ Boxe Tice & prickleyB “INE in dy. ae TE 1UICe 1s pre sperly calledavx to me, that nglifh Thorne Boxe. Bucit feesieth |