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Show 224 THE SECOND BOOKE OF THE x-ofwhich like to leferand Te eae Piinieinhis aes ie20.book8.chapter belitus Hedypnois wricethsHyofires(faith the reft of the names he)is fet foorth in,Endive,bur their feuerall tits rougher,itis called of 2'0¢ clins Hedypnots , ; fhall be fufficientforthistime. eisAanatiee Rapataptatn being pafttiie Leede fliet 4 Gum Succorie with br thefirft that hath made.at rere saues, which hane named 2ohbsous gum Succc f ind.whichhe fentmedsa ae titer * puabe ew be s aves be greater ot vn Succorie and Endijue, in temperature with the garden They agree o The vertues. but curmore deepely OfGumme Succorie. euen tothe middle 1 ne ulkes gtowe t pene ight th iiluer Lane cae aa ee Bias sptinckled Oueras tt we oe iE ecisescoise bathlarleave: like in formeand dealt aedegen :Petar sic, oe ne id Theleauesofthefe wildcherbes ate boiled in pottage or brothes for ficke and feeble perfons that haue hot,weake,and feeble ftomacks to ftrengthen the fame. B They areiudged tohaue the fame vereues withthofe ofthe garden, ifnot ofmore force in work ing. A and downie alfo, dinidedinto fundrie braunches : wher 1to doy Suiccorie,butin colour yellowe,which aretu Thetooteis long andofa meanethicknefle, from they Chap.29. ifluefoorth a milkie inice, which being dried is of a yellowith rec = Theteisfounde ypon the braunches heereof'a gum‘asDéo/éorides faith, wh Phificke in theIle Lemnos,as Belbomius witnefleth. : ; 4 Spanith gum Succorie hath manyleaues {pread vpor se The kindes. . BE loftorides defcribech two forts or kindes of gumSuccorie; notwithanding by the diligence of thelaterwritnrs there be findrie forts founde more, differing as well in colour of the flowers fell,but not fo thicke and fat: among which rife vp b Shebe falamentica or {iluer weede,whercof thi asalfo in the fhape and proportion ofthe whole plant, which fhall bee defcribed in this Chapter folowing. t Chondrilla cerulea. Blewe gum Succorie; womne purple colour, whichfeldome fheweth« 3 Chordrilla lutea. 2 Chondrillecerulea latifol: Robinus gumSuccoric. Yellowe gumSuccorie. Hifpantca. ith gumSuccotie, Mi Tes x ae Vinme Succotie with iss * Thedefeription. : nm fome firings ings # Owers hath thicke and tough roote with =9 nexedthereto full ofa milkiais: stull ofa milkieinice asivallr as; vere are ua yceptee t leaues great andlong <a ; hereft of the plant,the flowe: rs excep cate MBSessamong whichrife lac0ced.- re tender ftalkes napelike to thofe ofgarden Succorie, but deepouet™ very eafic tobebroken, branched toward the OFone 5 cig » som at ¢“i € eum § Poe +f Ss P Succorie a :tough andharde roote, witha fewe fhort threeds faftened thereichrife vn hath - catite vp a feweia ggedleaues like thofe of fuccorie. The ftalke groweth vp tothe {100te,tough : merJike vnto rufhes toughand lim B oe ¢ » whereon are fet many graffie leaues. The “owe,fingle and {mall, which being faded, do flic away with the winde, The whole 7 Ps plane |