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Show : on AW) ATWZ 5 = The fift fort of Valctian hath diuers final hollowftalks, a foore high and fomewhat more. garnifhed withleaues like vnto thofe that doe gtow ottthe vpper part of the ftalks of common Valerian,but finallercut or jagged almofttothe middle rib: atthe topof the ftalkes do srowthe flowers cluftering togither , ofablewe.co confifting offiue leauesapeece, hauing i middle thereof finall white threds tigped with yellowe:: the {cede is fmall, growing in little huskes\orfeede veffels: the toote is nothingelfe butas it wereall of threds, L have another fort of Valerian, the feede whereof was fent me fromthat reuerend Phil. tion Bernard Paladane, vider the title of Falereana Mexicana, hauing fall tender ftalkestraling vpon the grounde, very weake andbrittles whereupon'do growe finooth greenifh leas like thofe of Corne Sallade (which we have fet foorth among the Lettuce,vader thetitle Lats. ca Agnina, or Lambes Lettuce : ) among the Ieaues come foorththe flowerscluttering togithet, like ynto the great Valerianin forme, bee ofa deepepurple colour: the rooteis veriein l andthréddie®, which perifhethwith there! the plant, when ithath brought his feedetom S turitie or rivenesyand:mutt befoweh anewe the next yeere in Maie and not before: A Thereis alfo anortker fort or kinde of Valerian called by the name Phytewma,of theleat fitions ofMonzpelier and others(fet foorth vnder theftockeor kinredofthe Valerians,te : the aforefaidCornSallad whichis called of fome Prolifera,ftomthe Greek title Phyteum a fhould fay,good to make conception, and to procure loue:) the loweft leaues are ri finall Valerian, ofa ycllowith colour; the vpperleaues become more iagged: the - handfull high.on thetops whereofdo ftandc {mall rounde fpokie tufts of white tt8 3 palt.thefeedes appcerellike fnnall rounde pearles, which being ripe, groweto _ a ing hauing in the middie of each feede the print of an hole, as itwere giauen or borea mere tooteis{mall and {ingle with fomefibres annexed thereto, %& Theplace. fount? The fir andlikewifethe Greeke Valerianare planted in gardens; the wilde ones are t ugh moift places hard to rivers fides ditches,and waterie pits; yet the greater o F thefe is bro gardens wheteit fourifheth,but the leffer hardly profpereth, : E x The time. Thefe flowerin Maic,lune,and Iuly,and moft ofthe fommet moneths. : % The names. ye wl Generally, the Valetians are called by one name,in Latine Valeriiai3n me os alPha;whithfor the moft partis menc by the gardenValerian sthat is called . a in Latine Sy/ueffrés,or ruftica Nardus, of Pliny NKardus Cretita, which names aE o ; thofe of the next chapter, although thefe be reckonedas wildekinds thereof :of¢ hi Valentiana,Genicularis,Herba Beneditta and Theriacaria sii Marinel la, Amantilla L , ana Dome tica:of Thacpbraftas Paracel(us Tererdina:in high g Datchn @20f5 O20 balntan Speer , 3, Yous crupesand Cialetianesin Englith Valerian,Caponshat bathe” W SS) ‘ { J jan: vnproperly; for that name belongeth to Zedoaria, which isnot Valeria downe inthe titles fhail ferue for the diftinétions of the other kinds. 919 % The temperature. % The de [cription. The gatden Valerianis hot, as Diofiorides faith, but hotmuch, neither the greene roote, butthe diedones3for the greene iseafely perceiuedto haue vety little heate, andthe dried tobe hotter > which isfound by the tafte and{mell. % The vertues. Thedtyroote as Dio/corides teacheth,prouoketh vrine » bringeth downe the defred fickneffe helpeth the paine in the fides , and is pupinto counterpoifons and thedicines preleringes i ft thepeftilence,as are treacles, mithridates; andfuch like; whereupon ichathbeene had (¢ a ris te thisdayamong the poore people ofour northerne paits)in frch veneration amoneft shen th ie = brothes,pottage,or phificall meates are woorth any thing , if Setwall were not atoneend. of a tponlome woman poet or other hath nrade thefe yerfes: ees +» They thatwill haue their heale, Mutt put Setwall.in their,keale. hisyfed generally in flight cuts,wounds,and {mall hurts, B The extraGion of the reotesgiuen, is amoft fingular medicine againft the difficultie of making Cc hatetsand the yellowe iaundife. ae een die spongheotche PierHetbasiltsan be good for them fampe.and Ss are burften, for fich D other conuulions , and forall thofe that are brufed with acu oe ote and alfo thofe of the garden , are good againtt vicers and foreneffe of the EK and gums,if the decoGtion thereof be gargarized or heldein the mouth, : Some holde opinion that the rootes of wilde Valerian dried and powdered, anda dram waicht EF tieteof taken with winedoth purge vpward and downward, i OfMountaine Setwall,or Neardus. Chap.a25, I Nardus Celticn. Mountaine Spikenard, 2 Nardus Celticarepens. Creeping mountaine Spikenard, ——— HISTORDE OF PLANTs, sbSilteeeale nee ee 5 Valeriana Grace. Greekith Valerian. CiWuWN Oo oF a san am eeee eeSs THE SECOND BOOKE OFITHE ieeelindndRensie gi8 |