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Show A Tableof the Englifhnames, A Table of the Englifh naines, Sea Folefate Fciwoopt and hit kinds DHoilow leafed Feimazt 690 159 587 Gentian, or Felwoat and hig hindes 3524353 Hermander and hic kinde cat 02 sthatis Ferula 898.8 Fenberries , that narrith Short $29 tree Gerimander: 532 533.534 Water Geruiander, og garlicke Gers leafed graffe S, and Finger flow s Foxe ones mander @eficmine Gilicreepe by the around BINDS) vs Witter 024 371372 374375 lofiomers Tt 377 679 473 is 48t ers, 02 pelloso ftocke 378 hincenfe Rofemaric I nfe tree cland Dacht fwater foldier, that ts Swater 6717 mers ,' that ig 261.262 e,o2iwandle ADuilein S25 rmat 39% HOS and his kinds 69, Grieotthe feaandhis kinds, lake 49 Kali rapes 728 SSpee, that is Raifons of the fea Hedge Heogeh Wilde or water Homlocks 904,905 904 Pintke 478 c 8.959.960 43t 98743-7444. 1121 Baebes, thatis Saint Cizittos phersherbe 829.971 104,109. Grape flower Muiked Grapeflower ibid, Parnasius Gralleandhis kinds 6y1 Gratieandallhis kinds¢C. Graines of Paravile 1358 330 inter Greene Grening Wede andhiskindes 1133 1136 Gromiland his kinds 486.487 Grontill ede 2 Wilde GromiliokeAnchufa 657 @rounde Haligot, that is ilandcaltrops 1066 Ground furze 1I4l.114 Ha Ground pine ‘ Ground Pine 42 Stinking Ground zine range 497 Gummethittic, that ig Euphorbium 104.1016 Gutwot Grownoiwell and hig 125k nd hie hindes, thet t 319 900.902 rr81.a0182 1248 Bares beard 93° Hats cafe 173 Dirttooyeof Weloponnefug 892.893 Hart womts of Candie tbid,894 25 Stone Barts tong G t 603 nch @olds, o7 Gngls golds , lobe Flos Afsi« ant, th 61k i ,that t @oofe tree 46 malus 83 Haves ftones 173 God king Harrie, that i¢ Enality Mercurie 259 eniSulbes 1138, 1240 31336 Siotegratic,oz Floterg Flower gentic, 02 5 Beke ofthe Fackedp the} 1 ie tres 139% deck 153.154 Rartsantof Ethiopia, og Huub Se= ib fe rote, loke Srankince 123 Pattstrefoite 102E Harts Claucr 1035 Darts thorne 1153 acd at is flowmping Herd 36 1346 oy Dartshore, and ‘Buches hose and is kinds 346.347 aes andhis kinds Mt tMteand his kinds Siower of Conftantin fom er of Dandie, 02 of + Finperiall L Mie, og crowne 977 Dartwogt 13.29.1339 aby 78 77 976.977 858 698 ae, that is Filberd, op uttre Fras y DatelGoce mae let 1360 Dat Wotand His kinds 364 chet fitch 195§.10§6,1057 AND HISHINDE “ Fis 79% eg 36 Flozcamioz, op purple Beluct lofwer gentic lower, 255 $O4.§O4 t FO2X.§03.504, Deimigonsfode, thatis Ambrofiag so, gsti@ke Dic of Paradife Patarall F ode,that i Ambrofia hid. Folcfotethat is Coftesfote 667.629 # Garland Ci @arlicke € {Huftard,and Htags oz Harts Garlicke @arlicke Germanvder, loke Scordium. Garnley Wiolets, that is hock @illo= flowers ©: aten, 02 Batertre @auile 02 fimeste Wtilow Geided Satprion Geildzes tote Banthome tre Beale dog ©F232123 Y 14s. 147 380 338 7 Thiftie Dpishindes Beaton bill 995 minof Seritho, 0, Weath Woke 1200, gee that ig oteg erard 849 Grace of God, 02.95 loke S. Johns Ws Gratia Dei ns @ralle, ibid. ‘at Bap Qtatle Lao — bis kindg oggethitte 1196119741200 J0s3,1014 952 T092-FC, 195.196 1360 pat ie Sorrowful 13421343 Howeort,thatis Dranck 68 eens ibid, bolanes, op Fudian plums 88g89 Bi 930.934 Womlocks,thatt ¢ 904 la Pomlocks,thatis Filpendu 0 fe thatis T amalapatra 135 479 and hiskinds 418, atte int Pons fowozt 43 k* soooreand iis kts ‘béic ngla Zo es Bitte grate 16 Harte Lod arafle ibid.17 Hardbeame 1296 Hares beig 99 Haregballock,that ie fore fkenes 164 Dares fote Grefoile ¥023.1024 Hares Lettuce, ike Sonchius leuis 229 Hares care 7) 48s pilfe, thatis Urine Wart Friars hove egSatine eS mee H |