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Show THE SECOND BOOKE vicolor rhapbrifvecalleth betes Piaioyouatl tice fates tr StonicHakesest Wilde Paunfies, sal? OF THE avi Piolatricolorfvluestris. Thevptight Pancicis calle d thatisto fay Straight,or vp tree,but without anyreafon,for as mucl fhrub,much leffeofa tree, ! Ttisoftemperature obfeur j oftheMallowe;for which caulé it moiftneth and fuppleth but nor fon The ver i Itisgood as the later Phifition write, f infants ;whole conuulfions and fits of the fal Ttiscommended again{t in lammationsof tiie thewhole body,andhealeth vicers, Thediftilled water ofthe herbe and flower ouncesin s the morning, § and the like French difeafe,and cureth the fame if th Cofawsin hisbookeDe zaturauniner/, (3 OF:groundFuie, or Hederg herrefirés, Alehoofe, oe ones ; es zardeninleaves, rootes , and tender braunch [erzptro#. e colour, farre inferior in beauti¢e ro thatofthe : : Ges. thof sic Harts eafe is a bafe or lowplant. The leauesare rounder, and notfo much cutaoo4 he edges ‘asthe others: the braunches are weake andfeeble trailing vponthe ground:t Y i are likewife ofthree colours, that is to fay, white, blew,and yellow,voide offinell, Theroottp th whenit hath perfeted hisfecde. sellow in fundrie places of England a wilde kinde hereof,bringing flowers of oneyet colour without mixture ofanyother colour, wherein it differeth fromthe other wilde Kinde f hath beene takenoffome yoong Herbarifts to be the yelloweViolet. % The place. jenesclit The Harts cafe growethinfieldes in many shuts andin gardens alfo, and that ofttentimes? felfe=it is more gallant and beautifull chen any ofthe wilde ones. ; Mathrolus veporteth that the vpright Paunfie is founde on Mount Baldusin Italie,vsOh faith that it groweth in Langudocke in Fraunce, and on the tops offomehils ia Englant, yet Llaue norfeene the fame. ahaa Thofe with yellow flowers haue beenefoundbya village in Lancafhite called Lathams miles from Kyrckam by Mafter Thomas Hesketh before remembred. % The time. AX They flowernot onelyin the fpring, bur for che moft partall fommer thorowe, euen ntl tumne. %& Thenames. : ats'F Harts eale isnamed in Latine Pioletricolor or the three coloured Violet, and ofdivets tnefellon y theteis another Zecea firnamed Negra: in Englifh Knapweede , Bull weede , 9 me fot others Herbs Trinitatis ot Herbe Trinitie, by reafon ofthetriple colour of the nebo pits fomie!l HerbaClanellata: in French Penfeess by which name they became knowell to yg, wid and thofe of the Lowe countries that are-next adioining. Ir feemethto be Viola fet eg 4 = vy Ch Lierre terye), pire of illcteepe el re as ffome., andee Chamacifiinin i P ‘ofthelare:He und,T ienoote, “baits will not fuffer 1 Cats foote. r it to be cManie weterum: or th yi |