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Show 802 THE SECOND BOOKE OF THE Sanicles fo named ofmoft Herbarifts,as that whichis deferibed by thename of Dentarinot Cont woort,and likewile Auricula vrff, or Beares care, which isakinde of Cowllipjand likewife atiother fet foorth bythename of Samrcula guttata, wherofwehaue intreated among the kindes of Begtes cates. \ & The temperature. q Sanicleas it is in tafte bitter,with a certaine binding qualities fo befides thatit clenfeth, andby the binding qualitie ftrengthneth, it is hotanddry, andthat in the feconde degreesandafterfom terfome authors hotin the third degree,and aftringent. HISTORIE OF PLANTS, Itisiapplied isapplied'to to wourids maner that t} Otel cath at ee es wourtds after.after the fafame ne maner that thedmaller Sanicleissbeing oflike floppethbleeding inndialfo the ouermuch flowing of the nacurallficknes : itkeepeth:d efficacies it A : Seoaidndiwl il a 1owne -mai- ; dens paps or auigs;andwihcu they be too great and Aaggic,it maketh themdeflerand harder Of Neeefewoorr Sanicle: Chapase: : %& The vertues. A Theiuice being inwardly taken is good to heale wounds, B_ The decoétion of italf made in wine orwater,is giuen againft {petting of bloud,and the blondy Aljing Elleborine, Necfewoort Sanicle, % The defeription, flixe ; alfo foule and filthie vlcers are cured bybeingbathed or wafhedwith it. The herbe boiledi water,and applied in manerofa pultis,doth diffolue and wafte awaycold fwellingss itis vedin po. tions,which are called Vulnerari¢e potions or wounde drinkes , which maketh wholeand oundal inward wounds,and outward hurts : it alfo helpeththe vicerations ofthe kidneies, ruptures ot bure fines. OfLadies mantle,orgreat Sanicle. CAlchimilla. Lions foote,or Ladies mantle. 803 wT he vertues. mention of Helle}s Chap.34.9. %&The defeription. ies mantle hath many roundleaues, with L fiueor fixe cornersfinely indented aboutthe edges,which before theybe opened areplai ted 4ndfoulded togither, not vnlike to the leaues of Mallowes,but whiter and mote cutled: am whofe tops gtowe leaues with fiue fomewhat nickt about the edges like vnto Sanicl the fowers confift offixe leat ning, 1 which rife vp tenderftalks fet with the like le f but much leffer : on the tops whereof do growe {mall moffie flowers cluttering thicke togit yellowifh. greene colour, The feede is ma ~ Thane notas yet found anything of his or ofhis vertues. thicke andfull ofthredie ftrings. % Theplace. Tt groweth of it felfe wilde in divers places ; the towne paftures by Andouer, and in wna ces in Barkthire,and Hampthire,in theirpal and copfes or low woods, and alfo vpontie “i ofa mote that inclofetha houle m Bulhey™ wfootes. Bourne hall ,fowerteene miles from Londons? oe The time. a Chap.351. % The kindes, qT He a dii ne rs fort It flowreth in Mate andIune,!t flourithet winter as well as in fommier. se Thenam[s pil It is called of the later Herbarilts i d and of molt Stellaria, Fes Lents, Pat a Sanicula maror vin high Dutch Spnnautw, and DOnier Frauwen mantels in French Pitas in Englith Ladics mantle,great Sanicle, Lions foote, Lions pawe,andoffome Padelion, an ori % The temperature. i Ladies mantle is like in temperature to little Sanicle , yet is it more drying # if g. bethat He/ farre fromIupiters mo yellowe, inclofed in greene huskes. Theroote is a in the high wayfrom thenceto Watforde, mile diftant fromit. i ch Pena fo 3 1M s or kind Ue i s of thef t é pernitious h es comprehendedvnderthe name ofze Uus,or Crowfoot €,whereof moft are very dan : cay 1s to be takeninto the body, andthereeS Tequire J I Vo} wut hen aret Oberaite nioderation ; withamoft exact and due maner of tempering, not I yl alone bythemfelues bicaufe they are of moft violent force,and therfore ccofcorrection, 5 : bunks amesots is as neceffarie to the Phifition asof otherherbes,,to theende e tequite c “4 ii Largus faith and nottake themignorantly: ord theit prope: ae may, vie them and that with fon deliberation and ites hen, elicialland oftentima. For thefe dangerous fimples are likewile many tit Me fortand often nae Profitable : for fome of themare not fo dans tentimesinfit and duefeafon profic and dogood, ift 2 ec = |