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Show or OF THE THE-SECOND RPOOKE luestre. Kovidis. HISTORIE 2. Ery/imumfy : Wilde bancke Crefles, Obelti. I Ery/imum Diofcoridis Obeli Bancke Crefles. OF Of Docke Crefles. 2% PLANTS. Chap. 16. Lampfana. Docke Creffes, i \\ % The defcription. \ AY *i iy Ocke Creffes,is a wilde woort orf M / Yi Se Vi, TW ROY heM\\ hauing large le colour, deepely \ fides , like the leaues of final! Turneps , but lef- fer, The ftalkes growe to the height of two foote deuiding themfelues toward the top. into fi {mall braunches; whereon do growe mat | yell we flowers, like thofe of Hieraciumoi Hauke weede, of The place. Docke Crefles groweth euery where, by waies,vponwalles madeofmudde or earth, ftonie places. % The time. It fowreth from Maie to the ende of Auguft:the feede is ripe in September. % The names. Docke Crefles is called in Greeke Acufdva :in Latine Lampfanaand Napium. % The nature. Lampfana is of nature hot, and fomewhatabfterfitie or fcowring. % The vertues. Takenin meateas Galen and Dioftorides affirme, A # Theplace. : wi Bancke Ctefies is found in ftony places among rubbith,by path waies,vpon earth or mudde andin other vntoiled places. : T it engendretheuill iuice, and naughitie nourifhment, foundel The feconde kinde of bancke Creffes, growethin furch places as the former its va growing ataplaceby Chelmesforde in Effex called little Baddowe,and in fundrie otherP ve The time. Ofwater Creffes. Chap.17. They fowerin Iune and Iuly,andthe fede is ripe in Auguft and September. % Thenames. i xior0Di I Bancke Creffes is calledin Greeke tpiauov, andof fome sanaier: Chamaplium accor ; a pt corides: Theophraftus hath an other Ery/imum, cuen that which Dioftor/des éalleth ae oft ii the plantthat DoGtor Wiliam: Turner of famous memory,called winter Crefles:itis ca rides and Theophrastus likewife Irio,and Irion. %& The natare. , ofaft The feede of bancke Creflesis like in tafteto garden Creffes, andisas Galen faith ict perature,and doth extreamly attenuate or make thinhe, % Thevertues. rotting” : Thefeed ofbanc ke Creflesis good againftthe theunie chat falleth into the cheft,by fame. B- Itremedieththe cough, the yellowiaundife and the Sciatica orache of the huck sebonesi™ eet EEE AE A. taken with honie in manner of a Lohoc and often licked, : A. yaiter™™ C Ttis alfo drunke againft deadly poifons; as Djo/sorsdes addeth:and being made vp Ae thete® water and honie.and applied, it is a remedie agaitift hiddencanikrous apoftumes beht hard {wellings,andinflammationsof the pappes andftones. % The kindes. Hetebe thre €forts ofwater Creffes , one of the marrith groundes the otherofthe riuer3-the latcfehet ec cere and filuer running fprings. 4 The defcription. naealoeee » growethvpright, andis defcribed to haue leaues of apleafant {a- ae : ha ful of uiceas thofe of Alexanders, but fomewhat leffer, refembling the garConfiftethof; atinep. Theftalke is rounde,fmooth andhollow,like to Kexe or Gafshes. The roote Srounde; LAS {mall ftringes or threddes , faftned vnto the ftalke within the water or myrie bee bri Lac iat Bac a (eae renee in {ecf oye: cldea tr’, do gtgrov ow many whitei flower rundels like Fennell, which h being brute s, fpokie tall was ae fauour,fmelling like Petroleum,as doth the reft ofthe plant. et Crefle hath great, thicke,and hollowftalkes,fet with great leaues made of many {mall f >t Vpona midd] €tib like the athe,not one oppofiteagainft another, but confufedly and out Of order. n ot much yn like theleaues of Hemlocke or Gheruile,in all other points like the other of uiskinde, N 4 I Sim |