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Show 996 THE SECOND BOOKE OF THE HISTORIE ‘OF PLANTS , with white, in faireand calmeweatherthe flower bath ofthis and:alfoofthe otherlaicth thent 1 C:Carliniflue fyluefire ft maior. heereofis long,andfiveete of finell,white,found ynot-chinked or fplitted as theother, ¢ . 2: Carlinafylue ltris minor, Thelitele Carline Thiftle, The preat Car’ felues wide open.and when the weather is fowle andmilty , aredratwvae clofe togither: the root : % The places Theyboth grow vpon high mountaines in delart places,andoftentimes by highwayfides; bue that which bringeth foortha ftalk groweth euery wherein Gernanyyandisa ftrangerin England - XT he time. zi Tat They flower andfeede in Iuly and Auguft,and many times later, : & The names. The formeris called in Latine Cartiaa priorjand Car dopatinm,.andofdiuers Carolina; ofCharles maine the firft Romain Emperor of that name,whofe armie(as.itis reporced)was in timespafttho: row the benefit ofthis roote deliuered andpreferued fom the plague: itis called ia high-Dutch Eberiwurts tin low Dutch, French,& otherlanguages, as likewife in Englith Cardize,andCatline Thiftle: itis Déofcortdes his Leucacanthe; the {trong &bitter rootes thew the fame s the faculnesalfo . ng the Romaines Gasacardus, & among the Thufcans Spina alba,or dothit differ fromthat Thiftle which Drofcorides calleth Spina alba,our Ladies T. alfo writing apart,dothlikewife attribute to both ofthemtheir owne properfaculties andoperati nr ons,and the fame differing. The later writers do alfo call the other Carlinaaltera, and Carlina humilisox minor loweorlitie Carline : but they are much deceiued who go aboutto refer them both to the Chameleons; foria Italie,Germanie or Fraunce,Chameleones, the Chamzleons,doneuer growe,as there is oney for many, Petrus Bellonius in lis booke of Singularities, who {ufliciently declareth what diffe there is betweene the Carlines, andthe Chamzleons, whichthing fhall be made manifeltby the defcription of the Chan:eleons. % The temperatureana vertues. A { Theroote of Carline whichis chiefelyvfed,is hot in the later end ofthe fecond degree, anddie in the thirde,witha thinnes ofparts and fubfts it procureth {weat, it driueth foorthall kindot wormes of the belly;itis an enimie to all maner of po it doth not onelydrine awaysnlcttions of the plague, butalfo cureth the fame ifit be drunkein time. B_ Being chewedit helpeth the toothach; it openeth the ftoppingsofthe liver and fpleene, C_ Itprouoketh vrine,bringeth downe the menfes,and cureththe dropfie. D_ E_ Anditis ginen to thofe that haue beene drybeaten,andfallen from fome highplace. Thelike operations Dso/Gordes hath concerning Leucacantha: Leacacanthafaith he, hath aroot Theotéat Carline; % Theplace, r s anddejart sey places,and E ‘s eae is found in yvac ntoiled 2, shout Sal called in Lati % The names, o . e ~ atine and that not vnfitly Cardima Sylueftris: for itis like to Carline in like Galanga, bitter and ftrong, which being chewed eafeth the paine of the teeth, the decott : wmuch rf this is dcop itis fo much the harderto affirr in leauies, Andthat iby: votike Theephrastushath written heerof: for he faith thatthis is like ba rello ee adc eh andfatinice: and Cdcorma differeth from Acayna, for Acarna as Yttee; Ut cormisa pricklyplant, %&The °temperature andvertues. : htisho tefpeciallyin efpecia : : er 4 me het faculricct y inthe roote,the twinging tafte thereof doth declare; but féeing it is ofno vie, aUes dé vnfearched out; Chap.4.66. OfChameleon Thiftle. % The defcription. I Hegreat wilde Carline Thiftle rifeth vp witha ftalke of a cubite high or high to certaine branches:the leaues are long,and veryfull ofpricklesin the cea 7 i Carline : the flowers growe alfo vpona prickly head, being fer with threas 18°" and paled roundabout withlittle yellowithleaues: the rooteis flender,and hatha twit 2 Carolus Clufiue, detcribeth a certaine other alfo of this kinde , with one onely i. fhort,and not aboue a handfull high, with prickly leaues like thofe of the other, but acd them couered with a certaine hoarie downe : the heads or knaps are for themoft patt hauea pale downe in the midft,and leaues ftanding round about being fomwhar ftiffean the roote isfleades and of a reddith yellow. ; oftentimes vponhils, Carolus Clafiws vriteth that he found growingin dry ftony, anddefart places amantica a €citie of Spaine : The tithes ti Soak Be EE eS 2 y lower and ‘OF. dourith in Tune and Iuly, thereofwith a draught ofwine is aremedie againft paines ofthe fides , and is good for thofe wi hauethe Sciatica,or ach in the huckle bones,and fox themthat be troubled with the crampt FE Theiuice alfo being drunkeisoflike vertues. The wilde CarlineThiftle. rs (hap.467. T Here Ic two &»Leth The kindes f c ; theme} ues Chatieeleonsjand bothblacke ; the vertues of their roots dodiffer;and the roots i tink do differ in kinde,as Theophr aftus declareth, : : % The defcription. Tee: of blacke Chamzleon trae flenderer then thofe of theprickly Artiwise a Bataceed with red {pots: the ftalke isa cubitehigh,a fingerthicke, and fomeWacinth eateth a tufted rundle,in which are flender prickly flowers, of ablewecolour inecut; © toote is thick, bjacke without ,of aclof¢ fubftance, fometimes eaten awaic, ocitls of 2 yellowith colour within,and being chewedit biteththe tong. Rrr 3 2 .This |