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Show THE THIRD BOOKECOF THE HISTORTE OF PLANTS. % Thevames, Thereis yet another kinde of Atyrtuscalled Nowa (ashauing been of late difcouered, a1 The Greciaus call invZer:in Lavine Baxws ; inhigh Dutch Buchsbatwn: in loweDutch Bur boot tin Italian ‘Bo/fo: in French gw: in Englith Boxe,and Boxetree, Che lefler may be called yaue7iter,and in Latine Hui Baxus,or Humilis Buxws:in Englithdwarf Boxe : % Thetemperatureand vertues, The leaues of the Boxe treeare hot,dric and aftringent, of ancuill and lothfomefmell, notvfed nely as I {aid before in the defcription, in medicine,b Of the Myrtle tree. Chap.67. % The kindes. rts of the Myrtill trees, fone with broadeleaues, fome with narroweleaues; s are more fiveete then others; one figure with the defcriptions ofmoteshall pote nd dhewréfemhbleth the former, | {nowenvnto themof oldetime) ‘that in th vnto ourgarden yme, and {mall white flo with afew yellow chities or thrams in the mid % Theplace. Thefe kindes of Myrtus do growe naturallyvpon the Woodie hilsand fertt d§ of Ttalie and Spaine, % The time. Where theyioy to growe ofthemfelues theyflower whenthe Roles do; the fruit is ripein Autimne; in Englandtheyneuer beare any fruit. % The names. Itis called in Greeke ux in Latineyrtws: in the Arabicke toong C@/a: in Italian Afprto « inSpanith Arrayhan: in the Portingall language Aturts, and Muytella : other nations do almoft keepe the Latine name,as in Englifhit is called Myrtle,or Myxtle tree. Among the Myrtles that which haththe fine little leafe is firmamedof Péinie Tarentinas and that whichis fo thicke andfull of leanesis Excti¢a, ftrange orforren. Nigra Myrtusisthatwhich % The defcription. He firftand preateft s/prtusisa {malltree, The Myrtill tree. Se growingtothe height ofa man, having manie faireand pliant brancl , couered with a browne barke , andfet fullof leaues muchlike ynto the Laurell or Baie leafe , but thinner and {maller,fomewhat refembling the leaues of Peruincle , which being brufed do yeelde forth a moft fragrant fmell, not much inferior ynto the {mell of Cloues , asall the reft ofthekindes do: ongthefeleaues come foorth final! white flothe Howers of the Cherrytre, in fhapelike but much fmaller, and ofapleafant fauour,which Jo tiirne intofinall berries, greene at thefirftand is alfo anotherkind of Myrtuscalled ahr- tus Bottica latifolia, according to Chafing Myrtus Laurea, that hath leaves alfo like Bate leaues, growing by couples vppon his plcaltne aL : branches, ina double roweon bothfides ftalkes, of alight greene colour, and fone? thicker then the former, in fentand fimell {yreete differing irom the flowers and fruit are not much the firftkinde. There is likewife another kinde o f Myrisif cal nic led Exotica, thatis ftrange and groweth ypright vnto the heightofaman’ oe t he laftbefore mentioned , but eec nifhedy th’ greater plenticot Teanes; - - a keepingno order - sll other eshol id almoft double, broaderpointec and ¢ thrufting within another, andas it were crofling ot another confuledly5" oe > . ed : uesaresi{moot Oylike ynto the former in flowers and branches, buorhelee put thatitisaf fort flatand plaine,andnorerunipled or foldedatall. The fruit isin fhapelike the other, whi a white ] coiour,wheres he fruitoftke ISOSIES other othe: is blacke. ‘¢ : thewilde Myrtleis that which groweth ofit elfesthe berries ofthis are oftentimes lefler,andofthe other greater, P/izie doth allo fer downe other kinds, Patritia, Pebeia, and Coniugalis; but what manner of ones they are, he dorh not declare : he alfo placech among the Myrtles Oxymyrfine, or Knecholme,which notwithftanding is none ofthe Myrtles, bucathornie fhrub. Phinie inhis 14. booke 16, ¢ hapterf: th, thar the ine which ismadeof the wilde Myrtle trgcis called Myrtidanum, ifthe copie be tive, For Dio/corides and likewile Sotionin his Geoponikes repot, that wine is made of Myrtle berties when they be thorow.ripe, butthisis called 7zm ; tumor Myrtites,Myrtle wine. Tesndaain land fteeped Moreouer,thereis alfo a wine made ofthe berries andleaves of Myrtle ftampec and Mutorwine new prefled from the grape, which is called, 4s Dsoféorsdestaith, Myr/inite vitium, ot wine of Myrt! a to Venus. Plinieinhis 15.booke 9. chapter faith The Myrtle tree was in times paft which they nowcall Adurtia. this,There wasanold altarbelong 1 wards blacke, x with the precedent. baththeblacke berries : Candida whichhaththe white berries, andthe leauesofthis alfo ate ofa lighter greene: Satiwa,or the tame plantedone ischerifhedingardens and orchards : Sy/uefty, or - the chie! emable Murtill,asbeimgnern of Myreill called. Agjrtes minor,o% noble Myrtll,as (hruborhhees® ,0ft commoniand, befi:knowen) and groweth likeazittte ee sal] and and — narrow. are {mall rer but muchfimaller., Theleaues 7 L mY buth, very tothe fenibling th iesof MaftickeLime called Azar The flowers be white,nouming the former fauing in greatnes,and that fometimes they are more double, _ TheMyrtle confifteth of contr: thath aio’ cerraine thin heate,therefore Theleanes, fui budsasad inice do ; and inice o AG di OULie? t f {aithsit driéth notably. a the betting of blood. andall otliet iMlues ae al ature and vertHes. acoldearthie thing bearing the preheminence 5 A sae »plied and inwardly taken : they tts PP: acd both the whites and reds in w ; ‘ thereo } ‘ : lur erp af . shou tlaushe : ‘ theyfitin'a bath made therewith: after which mahner,and by fomenting alfo they ftay the fuperfu SUscourle ofthe hemorrhoides. _ they are a temedie for laskes. ifttheybelaide 4: on with sai pa barie} yeas TC for the bloadie fixe, they quench the fieric heate af the cies, © applied appl to all inflammations newly beginning, and D ad be alfo with goodfi Motonewpai = fome fall,ftrokeorftraine. } . Paine vpon ob 6} ; Gia at driefed 1 prow prouoke ving fie : & leaues They are wholfame for amoyft and waterie ftomacke, the fruitand 1 4 tthe ¥ greenetoleauies SOHee COntAInC thema LCI certaine : fuperfluous ; wineslims and hurtful bur- Fi tS g00d bathe containein with the TDdecoction hereofmade with tharmoyiture, at¢re 0 OU ceint,and an1 buranatit 4 4 i bg 1 -ithelpe reading retter pesthat are hardtobe cured, andvicers alfo of the outward patts :ichelpsin ie shecneck ders keth the haires blacke , and keepeth then Rca thie ee oad dandrafe andfores of the heaa, makct! tech avainft poyfon, and fafting, and pretiatet avainft poyfon, ay, Kowreth naway the momtheddines withftandeth drunkennes, ifie be taken biti s mes° of any venemousbeatt. : fo cael a: referued for thefore., ei¢is drawen out of the greene berries therofaiuice, which is dried and. vies, * wine or raine 4 er olde Ther js likewite lit-ewp: pteffedout of the A leaues a inice, et Ed maeeis by aacing ing ynto vn" them:eith Diofe ic muft ; a c H =p eWhich be vied whenitis new made;forbemg once¢e ave arie It If puch rate, HOlEth:his vertues, Kkkk: 4 ieth, and as *3CTEape ei 1226 |