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Show THE 734 leth the reafonable part ofthe minde. Ofthe delaying,or tempering of ‘Wine. A Ie was-an.auncient cuftome, and of, longcontinauance in’ olde time 3 for wines to bee mixed with water y as it is.plaine,and cuident not onely by Hippocrates, buralfo byother olde Mens writings, Wine, fielt beganne to be mixed with water for health and wholefomneffe fake: for, as Hippocrates writeth in his booke,of,aunciens Phificke,,, being fimplie;and of-ie,felfe much drunke,it maketh amatain fome fort weake and feeble,whichthing Owd {eemethal{ocoalloweof writing thus : shale ma VtVenus eneruat vires, fie Copia Ulns; Ex tentatgreffia,aebilitatque pedes. = B Immoderate vit ofBacchasiuiceand Yemm Arte Weakneth mans ftrength,and makes his foote afide to ftarte, . Moreouer,wine is the fweeter,hauing water powred into it, as Athenaus Hie en commendeth that wine whichis welland fitly alaied. Phélochor us sepasesinas shane an ie that CAmphitiyon king of Athens was thefiftehat alaied wine,as having ina i uae nyfius wherefore he faith,that thofe,whoin thatimanerdrankeit, remained in health, Lage » had their bodies feebled and ouerweakened with pureand vamixedwine.... The manner ofmingling or tempering of wine was divers : for ne — _ j wine, there were added two and fornetimes three or fower of waters aie oy bere three of warer:ofaleffe delai¢ was that,which confifted ofequall parts of winea - —_ D .-The-olde Comedie writers did thinke that this lefler mixture was fufficient toma among whom was UMne/fithens,whofe words be extant in themes. : td mpering ofwinean hi mannerof tempering aitt that this i i faith, 7.Booke off hishi Aphorifmes inthe E Hippocrates | eottt hatitis.a-kind eS k i le, tha and j drunkennef pleafant light were'a it as wacer by equall parts, bringech medicazain{tdifquietues,yawaings and (hiuerings; andthis mingling belongetta to the ftrongelt ines. : olde . Such kinde ofwities they might bewhichin times pat the Scytl lans were rene writers to drinke , who for thiscatfedo-call vnmixed winethe Scythians sii we a inthe drinke fimgle wine fay,thatthey.will soythizare, ordoas the Scythians dos aswemay of Get j 0.Booke of Arhenaus. G ; The Scythians.as Hippocrates and diuers other of the olde writers affrme, bene manic beyonde the foud Danubius., whichis alfo called Iter : Rhene js ae Sane Cyrushauingpafled ouerIfter is reported to haue come into the earn ofthe en ove H©Andinthis our age all the people of Germanie do drinke vnmixe _— ferupeat theirownecountrey, and likewife other people of the north parts who make drinke ofthe ftrongeft wines without any mixture; ites" taine inftruments madefor this purpofe, which are commonly called oe : . of betbe of oh alfo refemblethcleere fimple water in colour,, but in facultie it farre differet : “olen che sit L It beareth the furname of life, bicaufe-that it ferueth to preferuc and Pp man, of threughages,‘as'for olde and impotence met: for it cheritheth and inereaeth faturallheate; wpholdethftrength repaireth and atiementeth the fame: it prolonigeth life’, quickneth all the fens Rsanddoth not onely preferue the temrorie but alforecouereth it whenitis loft sit fharpneth the fight: Itisfit for thofe chatate taken withthe Catalepfie,(whichis'a difeate inthe braitie; proceeding G ofdrines and colde) and ate fabieG to deadfleepes; if there be no agewe joined’; it ferneth for the weakents,ttembling,and beating ofthe hare it frenetheneth and heateth afeeble ftomackes it confintieth winde botlriti the ftomacke, fides; and bowels; it maketh good concoction of meate , andisafingolar remedie againtt colde poifons: Ithathfiich force and powérin ftrerigthriing ofthe hart, and ftitring vp-the inftrumients of the D fenfes, thaticis mioft effeGtuall, ‘nor onelyinwardly taken tothe cuantitie ofa licele fpoonefull, but allvoutwardly applied ithatis to fay,fet to the nofthrils, or laide vponthe temples ofthe liead, 82 tothewielts ofthe atmes; and alfo to foment or bathe fundry huts and gtiefes, Being Held in thie mouthit helpeth the toothach: itis alfo good againft colde crathps atid con: E uillions,beihg chafed andtubbed therewith. x 4 oo bold to gine itin quartaines before thefir, efpecially after the height ot pritne of the F ifeate, Thiswatet istobe given in wine with great iundgement anddifcretion, for feeing it is extreme G hotandofmoft fubtill parts,and nothivigelfe burthe very {pitite ofthe witie; itmoft {peedilypear= ceth thorough, and doth eafilyaffault and hurt the braine. Therefore it maybe giuen tofuchas haue the apoplex ie, and falling ficknefle, the megtim, the H ada oflong continuance, the Vertizo or giddinefle proceed ing through acolde caufeyyet cant itotbealwaies fafely siuen: for vnleffe the cle Qual matter ofthedifealebe finall, and the ficke a very coldé, itcahnot be miniftred without danger: forby réafon that icipre= Dikaliy perfeth the humours, itfilleth orftuffeth the heade,, andmak eth the ficke man worfe: lalf the humours be-hor sas bloud is it doth nora little increaf ia Sean =e toallthatbe ofnature and complexion hot ; eindammations alo. andmoft of sw cholericke I th ster ohentiue to the liueraind likewife vnprofitable for the kidneies ,being often and plenIf] ake; ; . cytak in hande to write ofeuery mixture, of each infufion, of the findry colours,and y uld ne citcumftance that the vulgar people do giue vnto: this water , and theirdiuers vie; I tho pende much'tim i e but to {mal l purpofe, ( Of Argall,tartar,or wine Lees. ‘ Nien “ltsand it js sie “aha things; the filuer Smiths polifhtheir filuer heerewith : the Thete is drawne outof Wine-aliquor,-whichthe Latines commonlycall Agatn 0 ter oflife, andalfo Agquaardens; or burning water, whichas diftilled saa amet 9 herbesand other things,is after the fame mannerdiftilled outofftrong — This kinde ofliquor is incolourand fubftaunce like vato waters dif . any other thing then the thinneft and ft rongelt pare of the wine, it being purtotke flame off ey, isatichliebuitied, Thisliquor is very hot,and of mott fibril! atid thinne pares hot and dtye in the laterende of A thethindedegtce, efpecially the purelt fpirics theréots for thie puter itis,the hotter it is, the dryer, andofthinner parrs: which is made more pute byoften deftilling. Thiswaret-diftilledoutof wine, is'good forall thofe that are tiiade cold éither byalong difeafe; B Thefe Leese aoe in EnglithArgall,and Tartar. * called Waterof life. K 935 Iivedlled avdens; binning, for thae itis eafily cured intoabutning flame: forfevitivitienst : ae ofwine which isbecome hardlikeactuft, and fticketh to the fides ofthe veffels, and Idi hovsrae dry, hard found and well compa¢t,and whichmay be beateninto powder,is cal- Ofthe liquor whichis deftilled out ofthe Wine, commonly I HIST ORIE) OF PLANTS, SECOND BOOKE OF THE it be moderately taken, bicaufe it carieth themheadlonginto furyand luftjand.troublethanddil: Sg tae ae € il Medicine. ae ; Diet irstenatien Proceedingata walteaway,as Pails AE¢inetafaith : it hath withall a binding facultie, ; teeter inde ofwine,of whichit commeth. and yh £ Spubinkit ormoift difeafes ofthe body3 itis good for themthathatic the greene fick M selpecially thatkinde which lieth in the flefh,calledin Latine Leacophlegmatica: Sales after fete halfe apenny waight ora full penny ochMega is a ie oe se St then by vei . aines Computation) doth not onely dry vp the waterifhexcrements lwoulg Wor inePutit preuiaileth muchto clenfe the belly by fiege. , 5 uae € More effetuallyifit were mixed either with hot {pices,or with other things os N cake |