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Show itmeine <i = = SS SE 643 HISTORIE OF PLANTS. THE SECOND BOOKETIOFPITHE lower leaues next the ground, fomewhat fhorter,but of the faine forme,among which rifeth af{mall flender footeftalke of aniniche lofigy whereon doth ftande a finall flower , confifting of fide little 6 A wicnla AG arte rushing, Brightred Bearesieare,io 5 AuriculaVrfi erubefcens. ° ‘Bluth coloured Beatesveare. haues,ofa bright red.or ftammaell colour. § The {now white Beates care differeth not fromthe laft defcribed butin the colour of the flower forasthe others atéred; contrarythefeare: very white , andthe whole plant is'lefler; whé¥ein confifteth the difference,The roote islong,tough,with fome fibres thereto belongingneither of thefe twolaftwrittenof willbe content togrowein gardens, % The place. Theygrow naturally vpon the Alpifh, and Heluetian mountaines,moft of them do growin our London gardens, . % Thetime. Thele herbes do flowerin Aprill and Maie. x The names. Eitherthe auncient writers knewe not thefeplants, or elfe thenames of them were not by them ortheitfucceffors diligently committedvntopofteritie; A4athzo/wsand other later writers,haue gi- uennames according to the fimilitude , or of the fhape that they beare, ynto other plants accor: dingtothelikenefle of the qualities and operations: you maycallitin Englith Beares eare: they that dell about the Alpes docallit MDoraftkrawe, and Schwirtylekratt, by reafon of the etfed’s thereofforthe tooteis among themin greatrequett, for the ftrengthning ofthe head, that when theyateon the tops ofplaces thatare high,giddines, and the fwimming of the braine maynotaffidthem :itis there called the rocke rofe, for that it groweth ypon the rocks , andrefembleth the brauecolour oftherofe; FE ; % The nature. Theleherbes are drie and verie aftrin gent. % The vertues. Ithealeth alloutward andinward wounds of the breft,and the enterocele alfo,iffor fome reafoA table face oftimeitbe putin drinkes,or boiled byit felfe. ae of thenature and temperature of Primula ver, and are reckoned among the p anicles,by reafon oftheir vertue. ermal huntin the Alpes & high mountaines after Goats and Robucks, do as highly efteeme CG itieotas ofDoromicum,by teafonofthe fingulareffects thatit hath,but(as faid before) one efpeos) stenin thatitpreuenteth the loffe oftheir beft ioints (Imeanetheir necks) ifthey take the Tootsheerof before they afcend the rocks,or other highplaces. : 2 7h ea 8 suricnlaV rfimini ‘3 Little white Beares carte Ofmountaine Sanicle. Chap.263. % The kines. Hetebe finds; : nate we forts of herbs conteined vnderthe nameof Sanicle,and yet not oneof. them : dotbeshe ith our Sanicle,called Diapenfia,in any one refpect,exceprinthe vertues , whereof oby SOUT theyVv tooke i ; ‘i 3 ; that name, which number dothdaily increafé by reafon thatthelater writers It dow,Fe , 3 ; ‘ 5 sinars P thethis More newplants not written ofbefore by the auncients, which fhall be diftingui- Ms chapter byfeuerall titles. ' S Potted Sa ni fe os ; %& The defeription. 9 + hisDISME™, Pp, ‘ ee Re, ing Pemaferteth forth akind of Beares eare vnder thename of ‘Saniculs alpina fia 2 {howl ; ; ; -oade forelikes leaties aninchlong fomewhat iagged and hemde at the endes,and broade before” & The defeription. cleof the mountainehath fall fat and roundeleaues, bluntly indented about u : pagseesand fathioned like ynto the leaues of Saxéfragéa aurea, ottather Cyclamen folie i. . * Lndrie datke preene colour, and fomewhathairie ynderneath, among whichrife vp ftalkes —€tw ith like] eaues,-burfmaller, and of;a cubite high, diuiding themfelues into Many f \ aay {mall amesor Soodie f‘Pe* ‘ Or braunche s, bearing diuers little white flowers , {potted moft curioufly with pricks, info muchtharif you marke‘the admirable workmanthipiof the fame Mowej ; s cs . “7 > Uch glorious man ner , itmuft needes puteuerie creature in minde of his creator: the Sf 2 flowers |