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Show HISTORIE OFCPLANTS, OF THE Cammomill,Dill, Lillies, Rofes, and manyothers ; which do fortifie and increafe’his vertues Dey arec e Theleaues and fruite of Priuet are colde, dry,and alttingent, Of Prinet,orPrim Print. Chap.53. pen % The vertues i The leaues of Priuet do cure cure the he {wellings fwellings.3 aff ap {temations, and Vicersoff the mouth and throates A being gatgarized a with; the itice ahd decoctionenereor thereof54 yandthereforethey hey be excellent “ce good oodtobe tol “ ths ngs g with with women, putinto lotions,to waththe fecret parts,and thee (ealdings wo1 m cankerserszand fores fores 5 in i chilri % The defcription. Riuetis a fhrub growing like an hedgetree: the branches and twigs wherofbeftraight, and couered withfoft gliftering leaues ofa deepgreencolor, like thofe of Peruincle; but yet longer, greateralfo thenthe leaues ofthe Oliue Thebetries ate ar a pleafant : meate in in winter wi fot owfels,thtuthes,and divers i i other birdes, tree :the flowers be white, fweete of fmell, vetic Of mocke Prinet. little , growing in clufters : which being vaded, there {ucceede clufters of berries j at the fir I foeeyield io greene,and when they be ripe blackejlike alittle clufter ofgrapes, which yeelce acrimfon purple iuice:the roote groweth cuerywayaflope. % The place. The common Privet growethnaturally in euery woode;and hedge rowes of our Londongat- B Chap.54.. 2 Philyrea,latiore folio. attowe leafed mocke Priuer. Thebroader leafed mocke Priuet, dens: it isnot foundein the countrey of Polonia,and other parts adiacent. %& The time. It fowreth in the endof Maie, orin Tunesthe berries are ripe in Autumne and aboutwinter, which nowe and thencontinue all the winter long,but inthe meanetime the leaties fallawale, and inthe fpring newe come vpin theirplaces. The names. cae in at Itis called inLatine Liga/rum:in Italia thisday Guiffrzco, by a corrupt worde oe from Liguftrum:itis the Grecians rta no wifex#mess:for Cyprus is a fhrub that grower e welt, They naturally in the eaft,and Priuetin th leth y differsas wirnef be verylike one vnto another,as the defcriptions dodeclare,butyetinthis th ne prusate alwais Cy of theleaues and winter, awayin Bellonius, bicaufe the leaues of Priuet dofall th ,andas Belloni -aues of Cyprus do makethe haire red as Dioftorides fai ing. Andtheregreene : moreoucr dy in all at v colour ; burthe leaves of Priuethauenovfe reporteth,do git fore Piiniein his 22 which-Gypr f butasother 1 (thatis tofay plant hat d Priuet to bethetellefara ro,chap,was deceiuedin that he iudge as iene aie hthing notwithftanding he'didnot write faithhea spot PF h Some thus: p: writet he oke 14.cha in his £2.bo Jeo bethat tree whichis calledin Italy Zigu/tram sand that Diga/ire broader the nscall envpea,the defeription doth declare. which the G leaues blacker an ih ete vea,faith Djofcorides is a tree like in bignesto Cyprus, with lacke fomething as cke tree,b mafti the of that ro like fruite hath tree.it Olite ofthe thofe we haue before declared. 4 Sills ding in clufters,an¢ fuch a tree fot all the worlde is Prinersashalebs There is alfo anotnel ee Serapiothe Atabian dothcall Priuet in his 4qichapter 244 his gg Sichaprets thal” whichis a graine orfeede , of which 4uicem maketh mention in eemiethto intreat + Binh © Dutcd his warme and comfortable heate diffolue and affwage paine».Serapio f :i jiahigh D wnt itis named opanthout both, to containe diners ofthe #ahaleb vnderthe title ofone chapter uph+7 .Bbetn oper Schultweidert in low Dure piseeisr Beinholeslei, Wunvehoits in French Tree/zesin Englith Privet,Primprintjand Print: Some % The defeription. I ‘ f forts or kindes thereo Yptus is akinde ofPriuet,and is called Philhrea,w hich namen all the plant groweth :this titles fandry ‘Otetaine, thoughfor diftin@tionfake they pafle vader er twig efec with flend Rebotie - a Wes fometimes as bigge a34 Ee ci ee like the leaules of the Ute tree bu sank a. garnithed withleaves, pea Uy Oe leita omefoorth the fe¢leaues : mes ofoy Rear a. Bocittand ofa green colour :from the bofo ch being yadedthere fircceed tiles ofblo. mall white flowers, ofa pleafant fweeteime II, whi pe tblacke betries,very like the berries of the Elder tree. . liii 3 2 The 7 The oile of varipe Oliues, called Omphacinum Oleum, doth ftayand driue away the beginning of Left Vitrssius hath made mention in his 7-booke of Atchiteutejor the Art of building 14.chapter,of putple colours s after the {ame maner, faith he; they temper Vaccrsins mand putting milke vito it,do wake a g allant purt breuitie ofof the olde writers,what purple: in fach breuitie iti : becertainlydetermined? can %& The temperature. tumours and infanmations,cooling the heate of burning vicers,and exulcerations, Ligufirum. Privet, or Prim Print, oe 1209 haue the neberri fy and Vaccinium eepeeebe that wouldIdhaue berries tobe called Yaccinéa to be thatofwhich aa THE THIRD BOOKE = CPPele et Fe Seen ———— 1208 |