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Show THE THIRD'| Afalumregale. The King of Apples. BOOKE OF Malum ree; HISTORIE (OF PLANTS, THE é % The place. : ' :d Apple trees purpole: theydelighe owe ing moftfortes.’ Bur Lhauesfec planted andfet in gatdensand. orchards. made forthat nd fertill grounds + Kent dothiabound with Ac plésof altures andhedge rowes about the groands.of aworthipfull Gentleman dw: etwormiles from Hereford called Murocer: Bodnome, fo man ecs of allfortes thattheferniants drinke for the moft rdritkey but thatwhich is mad Apples; : qiantiti¢is fuch that by -portofthe leman himfelfe, the Parfon hath for tithe many hog- fheadsof Syder. ‘The hogsarefed with the:fallings of them, -which are fo. many, thattheymake choife of thofe Apples chi efleto be followed of Gentlem who art will not tafte of any t if ) downe our hedges,and we thal] hauet rr, at andr aft part uit > gatie;fets plane and now isnothing, the comm« intimeof want to relict itn ) u of F the belt, An exar ipledoubethe poore will breake the fruit) but forward inthe nameof,God, £ s your orc * ] They bloome abou about the Calends of ta: in Latine Adalusand Pomus + in hig nglifh Ay or Pomum : 1 hig All Apples tallorfup Phemoeratirece 1ous moyfture : but ft; and haue ioynedwith the as they tti¢offuperfluous movitu maybe longer in whic caifewhy they ror, benot all of like coldnes, ey is lefie ft { tten that haue g bundance of exc Sweete Apples are not fo cold an line orkeepe the foundnes Theyyeeld more nour tally paffe through theb Sower Apples are colder a led, doth run abroad, and retaineth not! AM¢Tawe and They do eafi cold Id cially being rn Hattho1 eedi : Thofe Apples whic ‘ond vw, 1 thronghthebelly,andtherfore tl ° anid- thev il Apples being vnripe, are cold; tney MAde,andoften bi ng the cc ; f £4 : middle tafte containe in them oitentiines | 1 l ' M@uyet dotheyreraine the facultiesof the other. se The verbues. A ieMilliceof of Ap Medicines, and; } ? your grounds, t labour is final, theicoft : plentic, the poore fhall hane fomwhat -watd your good mindes anddil ea 0 for the tempering of melancholie ht AMmedicines t as are Serapsumex pomis Reg/aporWee and +. a 4 Ad fuch| i} ike Compofitions p Apples 1 andisowilte 1 ° A Rigor +7 oe There is likewife made an ointment withthe pulpe of APE Nnnan 4 & calc 2 |