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Show THE SECOND BOOKE OFiTHE HISTORIE OF PLANTS . % The time. Thelittle flowers andfeedes are perfitedin Iuly and Auguft,then may Wormwood bepathered andlaid vp for profitable vies, % The names. Itiscalledin Grecke<wirbier: itis named ofApuleius Abfinthium rufficum,counttey Wormrood, Wormwood. Abfinthium tenuifoliumfeu Romanum. Romith Wormwood, , % The defeription, * Mall leafed Wormwood bringe th foorth very many little branches flender,a {panor a foote high, fullofleaues, leffe by a great deale;andtenderer then the former, moft finelie Axenxios, Affenfios, mot of them Donzell: the Portingales Ad/aaz in high Dutch Uteranmut, WUiermuuts in French Adeyne: in Englith common Wormwood, ‘or Trincawella,a {ingular Phifition, in his pra&tife tooke it for Ab/inthiwm Ponticum, % Thetemperature. Wormwoodis of temperature hot and dry,hot in the feconde degree, and dtyin the thitdesit is bitter and clenfing,andlikewife hath power tobinde or fatten. ss and nicely minced : the flowers like thofe of the former ,-hang vponthelittle branch es and {prigs : the rootes are {ma} creeping ouerth wazt, % The vertues. from whence do rifea gteatnumber of yoong fprouts : this Wormwood alfa is fomewhat A Tris very profitable to a weake ftomackethat is troubled withcholer, forit clenfethit thorough his bitternes , purgeth byfiege and yrine: byreafon ofthe binding quality,it ftrengthnethand comforteththe ftomacke,but helpeth nothing at all toremooue flegme contained in the ftomacke as Galen addeth, ; B Ifitbe taken before a furfeit itkeepethit off,and remooueth lothfomnes,{aith Diofcorides;andit helpeth not onelybeforea firfeit , but alfo it quickly retrefheth the ftomacke and bellyafter large eating and drinking. | mi C white, and leffle bitter a good deale then the broad leafed one,and hath not fo ranck,or fo yas pleafant a {mellbut rather delighefull, ; % The place. Itgroweth plentifillly in Mi ya; Thracia, Hun- garie, and Auftria, andin other regions neere adioining it isalfo fouride in Bohemia 3 and in ltisoftentimesa good remedie againft long and lingering agues , efpecially tertians :forit . notonelyfirengthenthe ftomacke and make an appetiteto meate, but it yeeldeth ftrengthtothe liver alfo,andriddeth it ofobftri@ions or ftoppings,clenfing byvrine naughtic humours, : Dt many yntilled places of Germanie; itis.a gardenplant in the low Countries, and in England, nore VWWormwoodis excellent good for themthat vomite bloud fromthe Spleen, the : ‘gees +t groffe orofle bloud blonic doth vburd moburdenit eth whenthefpleene being onercharged8filled vp with ferhat lore felfe, andthengreat plenty ofbloudis oftentimes caft vp byvomite. Ic! oneth A likewieins a ofblack & corrupt bloud mixed with excrements paflech downwards by the ftoolesito Z oh hapneththat with violent andlarge vomiting the ficke man fainteth orfwouneth, oho %& Thetime. It bringeth foorth flowers and feede in Autumne:a little while after when winter commeth the herbe withereth away, but the roote remainethaliue, from which leaties and ftalkes do teuiued dothfallinto adiffictilrand almoftincurable tympanic,e/pecially when theafta he VO ten happens butfrom thefe dangers Wormwood candeliuer him, ifwhenheis reftefhe 7tethime mite andhis ftrength any wayrecouered,he fhalla good while vfeit, inwhat manerfocuet felfe fhall thinke good. : si Againe, VW ome wood voideth away the wormes of the guts not onely eine tdly: it withftandeth all putrifactions; itis goodagainft a finingee ‘oe the Mothes$ it driueth away gnats, the bodie being annointea w f Likewife itis fingular good in pultefies and fomentations to binde and todty. ing paineso! G_ Befidesall this Diofcorides declareth thatit is goodalfo againft windines and he Seelam the ftomacke and belly,with Sefeli and French Spikenard: the decodtion cuteth they H. dife or the infufion,ifirbe drunke thrifea day fome ten or twelue fponfuls ava vate deunke with Athelpetivthemtharare {trangled witheating ofmufhrumes,ortoadftooles, ifit vineger. eke and And being taken withwine, itis goodagainft che poifonof Miftletow, ri an againft the biting of the fhrew moufe,and ofthe fea Dragon,it isapplied to thefg "wih ha mations ofthe throte with hony and iter, and with water to night wheales , a0 fwartifh markes that come vponbrates, by K Icis applied afterthe famemanertodim cies,and to mattering cares. 0) dife, giving ofthe Joachimus Camerariusot Norémberg commendeth it greatly againtt Heine boiled i flowers ofVWYormwood,Rofemarie, Sloes,ofeach’a {mall quantitie,anda little Santo? wine,the body firft being purged and prepared by the learned Phifition. Romane Chap.433.. come againe inthe fpring. inlowy ditch yg _ * % The names. Si aIeis commonlycalled AlfavthiamRomanum :& Who ve this oe Alene sby which name it is known to very manyI ulitions&apothecaries, theother yy 2 €cd of Pontick Wormwood: furchermoreit hath leafe and toeet ies ee slikewife the finell of thisis nor onély pleafant, tnt yeeldeth alfo'a fpicie de from sh a peenaiea {trong and lothfome finell : and ee one Wormwood doth COunte, ele Dio/coridescommendeth, for Diofcorides his £ ontick Wormwoodis acaf imethinhiceg1 of thefirft kinde, or of broad leafed Wormwood - thing alfo Galen titiofee at faculties ote cines , inehe chapter of oe ood, ae be Cbecilly Pontich. ee they viee ti petone ¢ F x ‘ e gener nated e, ae an Natl PY acne tothe fr WV RY itismanifetbe tat Galenierthis; lace - fefe ie e ee : i Chinhisboop -otmwood3 and therefore many not without caufe maruell,that Gz en lrath writ ttetifehinn gene eto of curing howPontick VVorinwoodis leficiiflower et mie thela meth ant thefaule vponithe corruption of the booke,and in:his:g! bogkeof Me} aede , Potten dhavethe longer, Thereforethis Wormewoodwith the leffet = oe the tet Roini 4 on neithoragaine the Avabians Romaine bere Ww ie mene Mier, b t eh onticke Wormwood of theGreecians, Alfoimany beleene as P heb AN not tobe fought forin Myfia, Thracia, or other countries ae er . Poe ses ‘id the’ Alpes; cif we may beleeue Dzo/corsdes his copies: there bethar woule le hate Sardi. seyond the Albes ofItaly'p but in Galatia a countrey in Alia , and if» the region of the Which allo is thelefler Afiz, whereaponitwascalled in Greeke Zefuc; which was chantonGal icuens ioSan nina m thr copoies Seward vetrin ane oiSam thetononebim afthe tranflators : Déofcorides his copies keepe ica wh ic m} hc am eto pofterityas itfeemeth, Itis ; bolts 4 a PS eee SSIS2e: orpefants Wormwood;we haue namedit 4b/inthinm (atifolium,broad leafed Wormwood, that it maydiffer from the reft: the interpretors of the Arabians call the better fort, which Diofio vides nameth Ponticke Wormwood, Romanum Abforthium,Romaine Wormwood, and after thefe the barbarous Phifitions ofthe later age the Italians name Wormwoode Affenfo: the Spaniards Offmallleafed Wormwoodwhich is called oe a4 938 |