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Show THE BIRST BOOKE OF THE HISTORIE Water flags,or Flower deluce, Fonerdence, 47 » Thebaftard Flower de-luce, his rooteis colde and driein the third degree, and of an aftringent ; orbinding facultic. se The vertues. Thetdote of the common Flower de-luce leane wathed and ftamped,with a fewe dropsof rofe A water, aird laide plaifter wife vpon theface of manor woman, doth intwo daies at the moft, take awaythe blacknes or blewnes ofany ftroke or bruife’s fo thatif the skin ofthe fame woman, or anie other perfon, be very tender and delicate’; it fhall be needfull that yec laiea_peece offilke; findall, ora peeceof fine latine betweene the plaifter and the skin: for otherwifein fuch tender bodies, it often canfeth heate andinflammation The inice of the fame doth not onely mightily and vehemently drawe foorth choler , butmoft B efpecially watexith humours;andis a fpecial and fingular purgation for themthat haue the dropfiec, ifit be drunkein whaie.or fore otherliquor, that may fomwhat temper and alaic his heate. 2 Irispaluitris luten, UY wisunlgaris. OF PLANTS. The drie rootes attenuate or make thin thicke and tough humors, whichare hardly and with dif C ficultie purged away. Theyare good ina locheotlicking medicinefor fhortnes of breath , an old cough, andall infir- D Saageae Siete ae aie mities ofthe cheft , which rife heereupon. They remedie thofe that hatie euill {pleenes and thofe that are troubled with convulfions or E cramps,biting of ferpents , and the running ofthe raines, being drunke with vineger, as faith Djo/coridesand drunke with wine,it bringeth downe the monthly courfe ofwomen, F The decoGtion is good in womens bathes,forit mollifieth and openeth the matrix. Being boiled very foft,and laid toplaifterwife,mollifieth or fofteneth the kingseuill,and old hard G fwellings. OfFlower de-luce of Florence. I Iris Florentina. Flower de-luce of Florence, % Theplace. The water Flower ded : : and brinkes of tvepoodssdE ee - ingplanted in gardens, i lene angLie And althoughit be a water plant ofnature,ee yetbeThefe flowerin May and Iune,bringing Tee iointed or piled togitherlike little cheefes. foorththeir {quare codsfull of.large yellowith fat feeds, Flower de-luceis called in Gree ke tas: %& The names. Atheneus and eae do reade Teus:as thoughthey fhould fay »Confecratrixby which nam Naronica ,ofthe riuer Naron, bywhicei tis alfo called ofthe LatinsRadix mayica: ortathet Ratt h the beft and greateft ftoredo prowe:whereupon 2/64 u in his Trea cles commendethit thus Iridem quam alu : Which maythus be EngliFats Drilon & Naronis Tiph. Jris, which Drilon water feedes, And Naronsbancke The Italians Giglhoazurro :i with ith ri Pe r SeVwertels in Durch Lite) a Spanith Lilie Cardena o : in French Flambe: the Germaines Gfiga Thefecondis call in I, Water lags, baltardedFlow atine, Irispalustris lutea, Pfeudoasorns,and Acorus Palufivis: in Engiift erdeluce sorwater Flower de-luce. 1. Therootes of the Flower de-luce jenThe nature, in the fourth degree.The dri asyetfrefh and greene, and full of juice. arehoralmol and mouth offtech 2 -he” ate hot and drie in ¢ thirde Jatin,> famine the chroaté s Th Chap.33. 2 Iris albe. ‘White Flower de-luce. |