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Show 864 THE SECOND BOOKE OF THE notOLlike tothat of “ Cumin, for ifit were fo, who woulde denie it tobe Oreofelinum, Ot Disfeoride mountaine Parley. st The temperature and vertues. A. Oreofelinumormountaine Parfleyis as Galen faith, likein faculty vnto Smallage,butmorectfec tuall ;Diofcorides “Di ycorides writeththat the feede and¢ roore being drunke in | wine prouoketh x vrine ,|bringeth downe the menfés,and thatit is mixed with counterpoifons,pifling medicines, and medicinesthat are hot, i : 3 Bb Theroote ofYeelgutts, ot Much Good, isalfo hotanddrie, andthat nels ende ofthe B fecond deeree,it maketh thin, it cutteth, openeth, prouoketh, breaketh the he openeth the {toppings of the liuer :and {pleene , anda cureth the ycllowe iaundife, cing chewed it f : ~ . a * 2 helpeththe toothach,and bringeth much water out of the mouth. F HISTORIE 865 I Forfione Parfley Leonhart us Fuchs hath { leaues not {pred and cut devp and faftned to a rib afterthe maner ofgardenParfley,butlong,and {nip orftemin the miditfamthinglike, but yet n theftalke is lender, anda cubiteh g i of theleffer Saxiftape: the {poked tufts are whitesthe eedctihiyg blackéslike to chat ofAme6$? anid garden Parfl 72 Very Iveete offinell , fomthing fharpeor bitin 8+ o3 theroote is flender andfull of ftrings. 4 LObelius alfo in fteede of the right ftone Parfley defcribeth another, which e Venetians call flone Parfley of Macedonia,this hath leaves like thofe ofgarden Parlley,or of Sa frage rather:the fiakeisa cubite high ; the {poked*tufts fomerhific white : the feede {mall , quickly vading (as he 2 futh)inferior to that of garden Parfley in temperaturé and vectues: but whether this be the ttite andright ftone Parfley,he addeth,he is ignorant, % Theplace, Itgtoweth on craggie rocks,and among f{tonés: bur Offlone Parfley of “MLacedonie. Chap.383. Linum Macedonicum Fuchsi. . palieed fon PFarii¢ey. fl altard itone ati DY ver, 2. Petrtrofelinum Macedonicum 4 " i Theletrue Macedonia, tru Parfleyof a tery thelumame Aacedonieum,of Macedonia. the belt in Macedonia whereuponitbeateth % The tine, Itfowrethin the fommer moneths, % The names, hiscalledin Greeke marenAsvéer, ofthe {tonic places whereit groweth # in Latine Petrapium, 8 Petryelinum Macedonicums : in Englithftone Parfle y: the Apothecaries knowit not: theyare farre sectiled that would haue the herbe which Fuch/j fercth from this, asitis very plaine by the defcri us pictureth to be camomsum: for Aman dif ption theréof in Diofcoredess but we holdet his for tne true ftone Parfley,till fuch time as we may learne fome other morelike in leafe to the Parfleies india feede, fuch as that of {tone Parfley oughtto be: and the very feede it {elfe may caufe to inldethis opinion being foagreéing to the defctiption as noherbe more; foritis tharpe & bi andofa tweeter finel thenis that ofAmeos y and of amiore fpicie fenr3 yet do not the leaues g aicitwhich though they haue not the perfe& forme of other Parfleyes , yet norwithftanding hotahogither vnlike, : : Thefeedee of fone ‘fl which tingl ot one P Parfley ocomin ombson lye is moft only lrie, heuin vied,t having g withal is hot and drie, withalllag curlprotcketh or ; % The vertucs. cosine sotda tanh dieanic ol sadeole : Be nneeth downe the flowers; is profit ti able againft winde it te bor ck f tincf stipings in the belly: foritis a minde :itis a remedie againft paine. , as Galen faith , devo, that is to fay3'a nacbelt in the fides, kidneies, andbladder, itis alfo mixed poifons: Djo fcoride's, Of eAlexanders. Chap.384. % The defeription. Heleanes of ; Alexander ate cut into manyparcels like thofe of Smallage, 5 but they be much mes a cube, ect {moothalfo, and of a deepegreene colour i the faleissbickeglteny 8, blacke, € oh the flowers be white,and growe vpon ates tufts ; ee ‘ * i mi inhiwithin Ie bitter; and of an aromaticall or fpicie {mel spe te ; % oeeae Seater and}, % The defeription. ee chat rake ioftorides onlyitt Fftone Parfley verylittle is writtenby the olde writers 5 ee aromatic hath {eede like to that ofAmeos', but of amore pleafant operiers cd fthionoe fpiced : touclting the forme ofthe leaues , the colour ser eft redoxnnot om : eee * NR for T4 cop Ie Pale oe ofle l i roote he Ewriteth nothing at all :and P/inse ismore breefe3as Pl weouncaine > : Beteifluerh foort insitke toa litle Radifh,& is good tobe eaten ,cubal when! ik 1g i 7 like in a luice that quickly waxeththicke, hauinginit as a fharpe bitcer Nto Morr} ; Se efle, tabhe elil Myithe3 W hich thing alfo Theophraffushath noted, theree iffi Mcthkeny7. 1 } iffueth outofit, X faith he, 2 - . 4 as name iz,making mention onely of Parfley, Alexanders,Smallage, 4n lii xz Hitpofelinum. |