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Show nNESOE a THE SECOND BOOKE OF THE ; talitie,very patien ts themfelues,tobeofa very colde temperature sbut doubtleflé ofa poifonfome neere to that of H mlockes. : The temperature and vertues mmon fort with fingle flowers (that ftuffechtheheedlie er/iumis ) doth thewthat itisof a poifonfom &coo. lithe fame is manifefted by diucrs experiments :for I remember faith the fm boie author, fwellext emely 3 as it hath of Hem ai whofe i s¢s and mouth when hee beg lay ott happened vato thet 1 > thei ‘lippes: 1 : with n flowerswiththeir cups,tempered Wwith fref : sefe, fhee foorth thereof hauelbeene while after died: alfo mice that haue eaten of the fed > chewethe flowers did ‘ » We alle toacat founde dead. Al ste that they are es things do declare thatthis herbe is absa venemousand poifonfomefacculti and plant: fo toconclue,theks notto be harkened ynto,, that fuppofe this hebe tC »bean harmeleffep! edvnto, ‘cheous andfull of poifc andtherfore not to be touched or{mell plants arem fe vfed in meate or medicine. Sunne,or the Marigoldeof Pern. (hap.2ay. great Clore,or Bur maytimes there {pring « fhape like to the be eainfhape like tl wereofyn(horne rel ghly v1 Gaecetecllofsa cand] oitic ke eth foorthexcellent fine and cl wholeplantin like manerl cing bro ritie,the flowersfall awayin place whet feedeof Gourds, fet as thous f det, much like che honie combes of be he roote is white : rihatthe fit approch ofwinter,and mutt be fet in mott pe thallbefhewed,when vpon the like occafion I fhall {peake of Cucum Theother goldenflower of Peruis like the former, faui 3. Fhs Solis minor mas. Themale Sunne flower, Ewes 0lts minor. h Sunne flower. > and the lcquesmore iagged andverie fewe in number, 4 Flos Solis minor famin The marigold Sunne flower % The defcription. ie Thedefeription, Th ic nial, bck,i,pets nen of thefinaller fort, hath athicke roote, harde,ando HeIndian Sunne otthe golden ower. of Peru, is a-plant of firch ftature htoffiue or aes die {trings.annexed ther‘eto, from whieh: sifeth vp a graie or ru 1x¢ cubits, ofthe bignefle of ones arme, whereupon are fet gtear, br ‘ dfo;eees, very fragill or cafie-to breake, ofan ouerwornegreene ¢ olour;{harp thatin one fommer being!lowen ofafeedein April; dt hath-rifen vp: toe” teené foote in my garden, where one fowet wasin waight three pounedean andcroffe ouerthwart the flower by meafure fixteene inchesbbtdade The ftalkes’ate ® Op, ibe Araight,of the bignefie ofa ftrong mansarme,belet withlarge leaues cucn to thetey gf “bordered atcut orhackt aboutthe e dgeslike a Gaines; the flawer groweth at thetop of Sdabout witha paleofyelloweleaness the thrummed middle part is 93 blacker then thac |