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Show THE THIRD BOOKE‘OF THE STORIE t Pfindyfpartum Hz , Baftard Spanifh Broc we tee ¢ The acfertption, t 2 Pfendofpartn fpar tim Hifpanicum '¢ Moy, Jews Spani f hBroomewnvithout leanes Thefift Greeneweedchatha woodytough roote swith certaine ftrings annexed thereto :fom which rife vp diuers lon flat leaues , tough eeee s OF PLANTS and very harde, cor fitting as itw ere of manylittle leaues,fetoneartheernd ofanother , making of many oncentire leafe , ofagreene colour among which come foorth divers naked hard fta kes, very fnalland ttiffe son the tops whereof‘ftand {pikie ares ofyellowe . ywets, like thofe of Broome, in fhapelikethat great chreeleafedgrafle, called lopecurcides, orlike thhe Foxetaile grafle: after which come flat cods , wherein is inclofed fall Je like to Tates both in tafte and forme. This differeth not from the precedent, in ftalkes, roores, and leaues: the flowers confit of a ockie et, notynlike to the graflie tuft of Foxetaile , refembling the flower of Lacopus, calledin Latine Pes Lepords,or Haresfoote, w herein icchiefely differeth fromthe other ofhiskind, % The place. The firft being our common Diers weede,groweth in moft fertill paftures andfields almofteuetywhere. The reft are ftrangers in Ex é se The time, Theyflowerfromthe beginning of Iulyto the end of Auguft. % The he firft of thefe Greeneweeds is Genifta TinGoriaofthis Pliny hath S. ‘ named of moft Herbarifts Flos Tinéforius , butmore rightlie mademention; the Gree eweedes faithhe, do growe to die clothes with; in his 18.booke 1 6.chapter, It is called in high Dutch j erbluimen,and Jehecbeem; ch: ter of Lyfimachia, ot Loofeltrife: in in Italian Cerretta.and Cofsria,as Atai htolas writerh tt Englith Diers Greening Weede, } |i Benes 7 Y, , and oe are hot and drieinthe 7 - fartumalbum Aph 3 Plendo/? thftandingtheir vieis notlo neede tospeak :wetha well yall notne P Thew it 7s _ Ave Spanill vhite Of Spanifh bafeBroomes. The timean th the other Broomes, & The names. % The kindes. (\ hall fiifficientie iearess se bee Blodncswhole fccueralltitles anddefcriptions, diftinguifh the fame. & The Acfeript 10s This bafe Spanifh Broome iscalled f J LAAN \\ J VA NY I) ay) \ ‘\ | : [NL y: the Latines vfe the fame name, metines Spartum,and Spartiwm: in fith S h Broome , iin S pe f j and vertues: of the branches ; Spaine , hathawootle He firlt ofthe bafe or baftard Broomes growingnaturally in: iT vp twi gic >ranches very rough and liable , nd ofa gtr without order, and farrein funder, like thofe of | whereonarefer! ongfiitleaves yellow colour, in es,ofa golde rsSs B10 we at the tops ofthebr oh ‘i i rom which rife roome, bur greater; after which come long cods, wherein ts ¢ roomes, “Nn See { N Pl i | h se The time 1 of J a Chap.17- %& The place. Thefe growe in the prouinces of SSpaine, and ae ‘place higheer and more buthie,andinan 1 This naked hfrom 2 “This|ki +1 . y WA \ J other hot,regions dotie their vines, doe mightili r oth drawesa ot.honied wate ul Cleats ¢ ieee Broome groweth vp tothe height ofannan:theftalke is nite anches, rich diniderh it felfe into diuers twigg ‘ the ftalks like thofe of Broome,|‘but ofa white cole L g hcrelrobhikdnd’; fpett fauing wat ba vyKEP of ba fe Broomediffereth not fron i the€ precedenti 1 an Wf it lyseuen.asthe H but. yet without icopa areerh by, feo! Theivicewh of A erewith they in Spaineand thefé bafe B u : quéerine brat lrawne from. chesdigaped in water,being filtrates dieifor tho that be commented will HG oe |