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Show HISTORIE THE THE SECOND BOOKE OF 348 y se The mature. leadéth ont of Theyboth growe plentifullyin Hamptteed wood neere vntothe gate that 13 iva wood by Rayleigh in E wood, vnto a village called Kentith towne, not far from L with fome manifelt heat. Saracens Confound is drie in the thirde%°ree, The -vertues. A being inwardly mi of the wounde hetbes whatfoeuer, Saracens Confound is not inferior toany mafter Cartwright. .a gentleman oiles :with it cured niftred, or outwardly applied in ointments or the lungs, and that by Gods petmiffion infhort of Grayes Inne, who was grecuoutly woundedinto : : : : fpace. and ftaie thewafting of the liuer,taketh B Theleaues boiled in water and drunken, dothreftraine againft the iaundies and feauersoflong nl away the oppilacion and {topping ofthe fame,and profiteth 3 continuance. © “mm . > . Thedecoétion of the leaues madein water,is excellent my againft the forenefle of the throte ifitbe apptovertue and force of lotion or wafhing waters, therewith gargarifeds it increafeth alfo the priate for priuie maimes,fore mouthes,and fuch like,ifitbeimixed therewith. OfGolden Rod. 1 Virga aureh Golden Rod, OF PLANTS. 32 The place. Dawesheaths in Soutlif jurdeby2 Gentlemans houfe called Mafter Leonard, dwelling ypon andin Swatfcombe wood alfo neere vnto Grauefend, se Dhetime. They dower anid fourifh in the end of Augutt. % The names. htiscalledin’ Englith Golden Rod in Latine Virg2 aurea, bicaufe the branches are like a gol- den rod in Dutch @ildenreene tin French Verze dor. se The temperature. GoldenRod is hot’and drie inthe feconddegree; irclenfeth with a certaine aftriGion orbinding qualitie. ; % The vertues. Golden Rod prouoketh vrine, wafteth awaythe ftones in the kidneies, and expelleththem; ar (hap:98. 2 Virgaaures (Arnold: Villanmani. Atnold ofthe new towne his Golden Rod, yea withall bringeth downe toughandrawe flegmat ike humors fticking in the vrine veffels,w] andthen do hinder the comming away ofthe ftones and caufeth the grauell or 1 reafon battle,tobe gathered togither into.one {tone, Andtherfore 4rnoldus Villanonanus by g hathcommendedit againft the {tone and paine of the kidneies. c LTuLy Itisofthemumber ofthofe plants that feruea for wounddrinkes, andis reported that it canfully B : : f. nd s l perfotnieal thofe things that Saracen Confou can: and in my practife fhall be placedin the ddus writeth that the diftilled water drunke with wine for fomefewdaies togither,worketh C taelameeffedt,that is,for the {tone and grauell in thekidneies. ig Kisextolled aboueall other herbes for the {topping ofbloodin fanguinolent vicers at , Se hath in times paft been had ingreater eftimation and regarde thaninthef twithinmyremembrance, I haueknownethe drie herbe which came from beyondthe feas mBucklersburie in Londonfor halfe a crownean ounce, Butfince it was founde in Han 2: euen asitwere at our townes end, no manwill giue halfe acrowne for an hundr yi aich plainly fetteth foorth our inconftancie andfirdden mutabilitie, efte rae. This ver: 2 eos foeueritbe) than whileft itis ftrange and oo fetchanid deere bought,is beft for Ladies.Yet it may be moretruly ae howhen they haue found an approoued medicine " , rfe& remedyneet - yetnot contentedwith that, they will feeke for a newfarther off, a nyt irre than they helpe. Thus much I haue fpoken,to bring thefe ee che keagaine to efteeme better of this admirable plant than they haue done; wh ithe fame v d, although it do growe fo neere our ownhomes in ant e vertuie nowthat then itit ha “fo tea “og | quantitie, " Ofcaptaine Andreas Doreas Woundwoort. Chap.99. % The defeription. Olden Rodhath long broadJeaues fomewhat hoarie andfharpe pointeds among" rife vp browne ftalkes two foote high , diuiding themfelues towarde the toppe " drie branches,charged or loden with fall yellow flowers, which when theybe nf into downe,which is caried awaywith the winde,The roote is threddie and browne ofc , ptbeon rina GoldenRodhath {mall thinneleaues, broader than thofe ofthef % The defoription. TUS p; Wy, odene ticks and fatleaues, fharpe ported > oa pee as eee wpa flalke of {f es cen with the hands hatha pretie {piciefmell. mong thefe featies red, fmooth, with fome fewe cuts or nicks about th ye5.4 ; vinted sof ahotand tafte in the throte being chewed; which leaues are ee hash his name, The flowers growe at the topofa golde yellowcolour whereoffome haue manyother branches, igtoWe finall yell 1¢ height ofa tallman, divided at the top into thicke al ye rn flowers, which turne into downethat flieth away with the winde, oaks his name :whofe opinion I hold for beftswhich flowers turne into downe that is camtiee* " 4 ‘viremia anotherlike the former-but thatthe leaues are rougher, fomwhat blunt8¢s,and notfo fat and groffe. with thewinde, as is the former.The roote is {mall,compaét ofmany ftrings or threds. * ba : moft like Helleborus albus. ; Herba |