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Show 1388 HISTORIE- OF PLANTS, THE THIRD BOOKE OF THE x Santalum album. oS White Saunders, % The defcription. I Tat is often found among the Mufhrums acertaine kinde of excrefcence, confifting of a iellie, or foft fubftance, like that of the Mufhrums, and therefore may the mere fitly be heereinferted : itriferh foorth ofthe groundein forme like vnto O7obamche,or the Broome Rape,andalfo in fubftance, hauing atender, thicke, tuberous, or mifhapenbodie, confiftingas it were offcales like teeth (whereofit tooke his name)ofa dutftie fhining colour , tending to purple, Theftalke rifeth vp in the middle,garnifhedwith little gaping hollowflowers, like thofeof Satyrions onthe outfide ofan ouerworne whitifh colour,da(ht ouer with a duttic purple, and within the hollownes thereof,of.adarke blackifh colour: the whole plant refembleth a rude formeofthatgellie, or flimie matter,foundeinthe fieldes , which wecall thefalling of ftars: the rooteis {mall and tender. 2 2 Santalum rubrum, Red Saunders, al mA T yti V] Thereis alfo another fort heereoffounde , not differing from the precedent: the chiefediffe- rence confifteth in that,thatthis plantis altogitherleffers in otherrefpects like, %& Theplace. Thefé plants do growat the bottome ofElmetrees,and firchlike,in fhadowie places :1 foundit growing in alanecalled Eaftlane, ypon the right handeas yee go from Maidftone in Kent vato Cockes Hoath,halfe a mile from the towne ; & inother places thereabout: it doth growalfo inthe fieldes about Croidon, efpecially abouta place called Groutes , being the lande of a worfhipfull Gentlemancalled Matter Gerth : and alfo inawoode in Kent neere Crayfoord called Roweor Roughhillsit growethlikewife neere Harwoodin Lancafhire,a mile from Whanlcy,in a wood cal Jed Talbot banke. %& The time. They flourifh in Maie and Iune. % The names. There is not any othername extant,morethenis fet foorthin the defcription. %& Thetemperature andvertues. : A Thereisnothingextant ofthefaculties hereof, cither of the ancient orlater writers: neither hauewe any thing ofour owne experiences onely our countrey womendocallit Lungwoort , and do vie it againft the cough, and all other imperfections ofthelungs: but what benefitthey reape therebyI knownots neither can any ofiudgement gine mefurther inftruction thereof. ie lace, OfSaunders. The white and yellow Saunders grov andthatin great abundance, inan Iland called CS, which the Indians Timot,and alfo in the Eaft Indies beyond theriuer Sanges orr Chap.164.. yut Tanafarim, and in the marsto "He ancient Greekes haue notknowne the forts of Saunders : Gareéas and Album, Rubrum,and Pallidem:whichin fhopsis called citrinum. : defc wee. threé, othersrs defcribe % The defcription. anygo He Saunders tree growethto the bignes of the Walnuttree, garnifhed withm gw green;among branches; wheronare fet leaues like thofe of che Lentisk tree,alwaies aftet© a blackness to tending colour blew ofa , comefoorth veryfaire flowers and blacke whenitis ripes Witte Cherrie, greene at the firft ,the the fruite,ofthe bignes ofa am timberor woodc is of hite co andreadicto fall downe witheuery little blaft of winde : the colour of the wc ode, wi in t precedent,bu the from not 2 Thefecond fort differeth nothers, wherin it differeth tr rthe fomredde yet , ofcolour neere are trees rally of thefe ec Ww Thereis likewife another which growethvery great, the flowets anafruite ag? difference. the confifteth wherein colour, yellowifh ofa woodeis the ofhis kinde: t nanother, but by Thefe trees prow greene winter and fommer, Mote {peedilydiftineuifh them when the Mart commetl bs % Thenames. Thei t names haue beene fufficiently fpoken of in Lae Citrinwn, and rabram, . ans themfelues,w ho haue taken very certat : 5474744) + Sercanda: the Sanda/um,and Santalum,addine thet ted, white and yellow, faic , in moft prname PattsofBrafile: auicen, Serapio, and molt inTimor Afa/aca,and places neere adioi % The kindes. ‘ that groweth elfe where, call Hanga,and alfo'about Java, w the red Saunders eroweth wit tifh grounds about Charamanc r drie in th Saunders is colde in the firlt degree vnto the thirde,and Mewhat colder, Pi % The verties. 1 oe Indians dovfe the decoétion made in water, aga! Boe bar i ng of the menfes »Erifpelas the gout,and allindammations ¢!f e. ~ *tNighthhade, Houtleeke, or Purflan |