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Show 2 Chamadrys minor. Small Germander, Chamedrys maior. prone Great Germander. He fictt 1 e, with very TS. ty braunches lyi t rough, hatde., and wooddie, {preading it felfe heere and there: whereupon are p {mallleaues {iipr about the edges Jike the. teeth of afawe, refembling the tha okenleafe. Fhe fewers areofa purple colour, very{mall , {tanding clofe to the top ofthe braunches. The feede is little and blacke, The-rooreflenderandfullef andalwaies{preading within the ground whereby it reatly increafeth, eon 2 The feconde Germander rifeth vp witha little ftraight ftalke a {pan long, a getywoodie & hard like vnto a little fhrub’ it is afterwards dinidedinto very many little fmall brat ches, Theleaues are indented and nicked about the edges , greater then the leaues of the creepi Getmander: the flowers likewife ftatide neere to the leaues, andon the vpper parts of the {prigs, of 1 colour fometimes purple , and oftentimes tending to blewnefle : the rooteis diu aifperfed with many ftrings. f Thethirde Germander hath matty threddie rootes,from which rifeth vp-aftiffe and tough dividing it felfe fromthe groundto the topintodivei's braunchesjonefet oppofite againftanotl whetuponare placed by couples broadleaues, {nipt ortoothed about the edges. The flower among theleaues ofa bright red colour,in fhape like thofe of fed Archar 4 Wilde Germander hathlittle ftalkes, weake andfeeble, edged or cornet andfetasitwere with ioints of a cubite long : about the whichby certaine forth leaues fomething broad, nicked in the edges, and fomewhat greaterthan 3Germander, and fofter. The flowers be of a gallant blew colour, made of fower {mall lez e,ftanding orderly on the tops ofthe tender {priggie fpraies; after which come in place lit husks or feede yeffels. fhe rooteis {mall a ndthreddie. pn % Theplace. Thele plants do growein rockie and rough grounds, and in gardens theydoeafily profper. the wilde Germander groweth in manyplaces about Londonin medowes andfertill fieldes,and neuietie place wherefoeuer I haue trauelled in England, #: The time. theyflower and fourithfromthe ende ofMaie,to ; eG) , <<AYts Le) NaI Sep 2-8 3 Chamadrys latifolia. Broadleafed ais Z5 Germander. g . 8), \\ BYE ‘Oe ; ‘ Se The navies. n Getmander is called in Greeke yayatdpus, Chamadrys : of fome Triffago, and Trixago, and Quercula minor; notwith{tanding moft of thefenames do more properly belong to Scor4i e t Germander :inItalian Querciuola : in Englifh Getmander , ot Englith Treacl ermandre Before creeping Germander was knowne,this wilde kind bare the nameof t mong the apothecaries ,& was vied fot the right Germander in the compofitions of mediutafter the former were brought to light, this began tobe named Sy/westrts, and Spuria ue anys, that iswilde and baftard Germander:of fome Tenerium paluftre, and withoute ~ , 5 bi- “ielortsofplants comprehended vnder the title of Trucréum, are doubtleffe kin . amet. Offomeit hath beene thought to be the plant that D/oféorédescalled tsesforni, *sthatis tofaie, the tolieherbe, iffo be that che Holie herbe, and Verberaca, or V« meatied in Gre ear, be fundrie herbes. D/oféorides maketh them fundrie herbes , deeiiemapart, the ¢ after the other: but other authors as Paulus détius , and Oribafins, ' scrva,the Holie herbe; but onelyofPerifereon,and this fame is founde a 2, orthe Holie herbe; andtherefore it is euident thatitis one, and aurraiied by diuers names: the which things confidered s ifthey{aie fo y-andfaic ; Vera. BestGan not be Hierabotaneatall, as diuers haue written andfaideit is a eehe,whereuntoit hath beene referred, et Sander Germander isis ofof thinne thi wd Beteeprearerens 1h 1 drie almoft almoftin parts,and hath a cutting facultie:itis hot anddrie in thethe Nas Galen doth write of Teucrium,or wilde Germander. manderis likewife hotand drie, andisnot alcogither without force or power to *#itmaybe counted among the number ofthemthat do open the liuer and {pleene, . The vertues. J , 1in water and drunke,deliuereth the bodie fromall obftructions ot ftoppings, A, L! 2 diuideth ee eeberi eRe HISTORIECOFGPLAN THE SECOND BOOKE OF THE |