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Show BOOKE! OF THE Vaccinia Pannonica (we Vitts tag, HISTORIE OF PLANTS. % The time. Hungarie Whortle berries, The Whortle berries do flower in seoand theit fruite is ripe in Tune, > The names. Whottle berries arecalled in highDueeh bey eibieren? in lowe Dutch: theymake a certaine cracke whileft theybe brokebetweene therteeth, ofdiner: French men Ajrelle,or Aure/ie,as Johannes de C honlwriteth sand wein tle berries, Blacke Berries, Bill Berries,and Bull Bers sandin fome pl pes cbthe meas - rn do ~~them J y, but properly My e the fruite ofthe | ath no name forought we ean as moftdo takeit tobe Hz Tdee tie Corin iestree,whiich Plini like to the commonViine, but is heereofdothcall ic without an 1¢3 2 of Vine: an i outdoubt he woulde not haue done, ifh things foeuer receiued a nameof fom for V7tis Jdezis not Onelie vs who hath made mention ‘rer we will declare: which withymthe common Vine. For what by fomeepethiteadded,thart they might beknownetodiffer ftomothers, as andfuchlike, A S, A wbtS f ylue/fris, Moteouer, thofe things which hat ieborowed aname notwholy, yet either inleafeo , or in fome othe thewhite atid the blacke Bryonies, rat e leaues andcl they alfo climbe after thefat er: Vitis fylaetrisor Vine hath, and bringeth foorth fruite like tothe litt! ji n ine,.| ; I dephne, and alfo D.phnordes, are iké in leaues to the L Figgetreeand inleauesto the]Mulberie tree :Cha thePine tree :fo of otlters which hauietaken th notlike the Vine;either in.an jor in any other t This Vi f haueit)h thofe Viries fFoci se forth rat iteiso fruit followeth, | when theyy be rip fir ft, & greene a ethe woodie > teisofa at fowethere iniViz onia‘and| Pleafant tafte ‘ This Vine whieh growethinee ie ofthe length oe a pies i Cane, fiveete, having wi and ieee: in a certaine winie1U: This is deferibed by P&xiein his r4.booke 3 aed fiche, CMexandyina vitts lild'ecaw ethn cat ito Ph ith ablacke grapejofthe vignes of the L é flope, and alittle Mylweetecluttersgro ampfteed Heath, &t - pileae , vito Beefton caftle wf mi chs andsih cide ib hly woode}a hinge,,inwhiet Ainiers other pla f if werlt in W' y berty ‘Theted hoteleCrofsb y | idjatia pl: ‘éalled growethe Who alfa dloth rae bet auenfwai wi cheth's ye with peadle rie,and in Lancafhirealfo-vpon ke theelittle fhrub whichthe A And wihthis defcription e _asitis very maniteltsfor iti vndoch Nothingat al itein length: ic doth notb Raches,not grow gto a likevn _ lila a e arotFehe Vine, butofthe Boxe t < spiuhie enround ie eece,or irrthe lefler Afia,forthaesel dutin G eta telanes Hemias fo farre is it fronbeing calle Mtndring et *to prow nowhere to be Vitus Ides, of er ut cauletothe named haces Thefiuinse this may bethought“not witho , a, fiththey are berriess oF |