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Show D~ & THE SECOND BOOKE OF: THE HISTORIE dulnefle : that it troubler Diofcorides wiiteth that bitter Vetch caufech headach.andheauieboileditferueth tofatter ithftanding being belly,and draweth foorth bloud byvrine , notw with, Thereismade ofthe feedesameale fitto be vied in medicine. It ismadevafter this maner st full and white graines are chofen out, and being mixed togither they are fteeped in water,an feredto lie till they be plumpe, afterwards theyare parched till the skin be broken, thenare ground,andfearced or (haked thorow ameale fiette,and themeale referued, F Thisloofeth the belly,prouoketh vrine, maketh one well coloured: being ouermucheaten, ot : drunke,it draweth bloudbythe ftoole with gripings,andalfo byvrine, called skin inthe fpots funne-burnes,blacke freckles, away vicers{taketh G Withhonyitclenfeth H I. K oainersand maketh the whole bodyfaire and cleane, Icftaieth running vicers,or ha rd'fwellings,and gangrenes , of mortifiedvicers , it fof carbuncles, fores of the hardnes of vomens brefts,it raketh away and breaketh wilde vicers,called DU head;being tempered with wine and applied,it healeth the bitings of dogs,andal other venemous beafts. %& The Acfeription, "THe Vetch f hath fonsflender and fower {quared ftalkes,S5 al alMott ft thr 2 tl one: tl long,with clafping tendrels.at the end, made yp of many li ‘ai — long: the leaties be Bi ribte or middle euery one whereofis greate. I pee eleaues growing vpon one rftem; thet de Somen' arcee sain . me and thicker, then that ofthe arden Beane f ablackep cods be broad, fmall andine Se ,.an le i ed fiue or fixe uery one are contain Be atai colour; graines e Pape Be be ike the Lentill, of colourblacke, and ofan vnpleaf ant raft Sie ae a Strangle Tare calledinfor ies Ti Sevemdi i rampin fomecountries Tine, and ofothers wilde Vetch, isatarhpj t : 1 scommon : ’®. ue g and climing among corne where it cl fe cae ae iitdowne to the Ofthe Vetch,or Fetch. I Vicia. Tare, Vetch,or Fetch, Chap.4972 Viciafyluefirts. Strangle Tare Tine,orwildFetch, nh ‘Srow. welines may ferue for the defcription, on aft ahi oy ae ae herbe is better k %& Theplace ¥ fe = eine oat pone endelipedcheers | The Tare js fowenin any ground orfoile stisticelia? Itfowreth tf in May,an Mayy,and d perfecte in perf thhis Le i feede L ,and running fores, andis applied vntothe feufe N Tr is'alfo vied for bathing and wathing ofvicers ofthe head withgreat profite. groun lnc NVheate | , graine and ouergro the famein uch fort, thatit fpoiler! : ifilleth nee weth es but it allail other whatfoe uer: the Las The decoétion of the fame helpeththe itch ofthe who le body , and taketh awaykibesif th wafhed.or bathed therewith. dothaffwage the {welling of the yardeand M Ciser boiledin fountaine water, with fome Orobus, andthe {ub prinie parts ofman or woman, if they be wathed or bathed inthe decodtion thereof, ftance heetofmayalfo be applied plaifterwife. 1053 t Withvinegerit is good againft theftrangury,and mitigateth paine that commeth there Itisgoodforthem that arenot nourifhed after their meate,being parchedandtakenwit in the quantity ofanut, OF PLANTSoe ,.. toward September, % Thenames Trae Pi a Latin Victa,aVinciendoofbinding or sa iheile Slats inding rappin ppi g,asarronoteth,bicau hyt fe(faith he) i = afping tendrels,fuch asthe Vine hath bywhich it eedes that are NeXt vntoits of forne Craci crawletl aed one ie Af ee vain phe een Durc Weticke a aes : acta, aud Arac. : Ic h, led in gh h Dutch r : in low Datch Gitfen: B wes inmott ane 200 Aphaca: itis Called in and Eruum, for Ex uum doth ilttem tin French Pefce: thops it is falfely termed I dicate ecountrey men la ahs ve imuchdiffer from Vicia: it iscalleda in Englith Vi ichor FiFetch. a abt Vetch adaHol day vpthis Vetch with th the feedes and wholes plant, that it maybea fodder for ye oy) eR es : % The temperature and vertues. anding haue know: fai i peciallyin Pbiehenn knowne, faith Galen , fome that intimeoffamine haue fedheer A ly, enng,when as itisas yet but greerie, buticis harde ofdigeltion, and bindeth eof t} © itis ofthis iskind iti manifett i kinde of nature , itis that the nourifhment linit I 0 go Foc diiulice ice at all, but ingendret ing; I h athicke bloud , andaape wil, OF yellow [yellow wilde Fetchor Tare enerlaftine. which’ com to become eC ine & : Chap.: 198. % The defeription, Here “isa Puile pulle growing crowing} i in our high andth which tife vp diuers long, wea ranches , lobo G don both fides with ee a thinne skinnie membrane , {i ica Rn at certaine diftances, fmall flat ftems , ogither at the bottome:from betwixt thofe Ieaucs come foorth tough doc oe Pe thir $.as grow next vnto it: from the bof flowers like ree: Benicar a nakedfmooth footett gtaine the on “a the Peafe,the middle part whereof cl Ge long Sere dees an - §tound cods, wherei bandyellowith within ; aiaa likewife another in our woods , like vntothe Medefcrintion i are narrowerand longer, anc On,Lathyrus Anguftifolia. ; therefore calledof molt, wk chic a The } et a = 1052 |